Carl Zeiss Foundation Fund for the Appointment of International Researchers (Germany)

The Carl Zeiss Foundation Fund for the Appointment of International Researchers is supported by the German Scholars Organization (GSO) to facilitate the recruitment of international researchers to Germany at

the tenure track and full professor levels, and includes a dual career component. The Fund supports professorships (W3 and W1/W2 Tenure Track W3) in Germany for excellent researchers in science, technology,

engineering and medicine (STEM) subjects, and in business administration. Applications are assessed on a rolling basis and applicants are encouraged to apply at any time.

DEADLINE: rolling submissions

What is funded

The Fund provides 200,000 EUR, which includes a dual career component of up to 80,000 EUR.




Universities in Baden-Wurttemberg, Rhineland-Palatinate, and Thuringia that are recruiting professors from abroad in STEM or business. International researchers (both German and non-German) who are in discusssion with these universities are encouraged to mention this opportunity.

Author: jeunes

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