Win 6.000 euros in the Asisa Foto International Photography Competition

The ASISAFOTO special prize for the best artist is made by ASISA Foundation, The committee will select the artist they consider to be the best in the competition from among the four winners of the prizes of honour and said person will be awarded the special prize of the 11th International ASISAFOTO Photography Competition 2019.

More Details

As the organiser of the ASISAFOTO competition, is a non-profit organisation created by the ASISA GROUP in order to fulfil its commitment to society, to the development of knowledge and to the dissemination of culture, among other purposes.

Opportunity Focus Areas:

  • Photography

Required Languages

Spanish or English.

Eligible Countries


Program Period

The deadline for the delivery of the required identity documentation for the payment of the prize will be 10 days from when the artist has been notified that they have won a prize or that their work was selected.

Eligibility Requirements (Criteria)

  • There are Free Choice categories or themes in which artists can participate:
  1. Free choice.
  2. Infancy and/or Maternity.
  3. Nature.
  4. Smiles (The Asisa Dental Prize).
  5. Pets.
  6. Travelers.
  7. The Asisafoto SpecialL Prize For The Best Artist.
  • Participation in this competition is international and open to any amateur or professional photographers from anywhere in the world.
  • Each artist can participate in one or more categories, submitting a collection or series of 5 to 7 photos.
  • Artists are free to use any photographic technique in their presented works, with the exception of photos presented in categories c. Nature, d. Smiles and e. Pets, which must be in colour.
  • Only digital photos are admitted in the contest. Therefore, the submitted photos that are uploaded to the competition platform must fulfil the following conditions: JPEG digital format files, maximum compression quality (12), with 30 centimetres being the length of the longest side, 100 dpi resolution and Adobe RGB colour space. Collections which do not fulfil the aforementioned conditions will not be accepted.
  • In order to participate, artists need to strictly follow the instructions for the sending of the digital files, as shown on the platform, and this process also supposes the full acceptance of the competition rules.

For more informations; check this link.

Opportunity Cost


  • PRIZE OF HONOUR: 6,000 euros and a gold medal for the best work presented in the following categories: Free choice, Infancy and/or Maternity, Nature, Smiles (The Asisa Dental Prize). From among the remaining photos presented in these categories, the committee will also award 6 prizes of 500 euros each, as recompense for the acquisition of the works.
  • PRIZE OF HONOUR: a 1.000 euros and a gold medal from the Andalusian Federation of Photography (FAF) for the best work presented in the categories: Pets, Travelers.
  • The special prize shall consist of the production and organisation, by the ASISA Foundation, of an exhibition of 30 photos that will be freely selected by the artist. Said exhibition shall travel for one year between the various centres related to the ASISA Group in Spain. Once said period of time has elapsed, the works selected in this special prize will be returned to the artist.

For more details check here.

How to Apply

First Step:  You need first to create an account on their official website here.

Second Step: Choose yoyr category and fill the form.

Apply Now

More Details

Know more about this opportunity:

Official Website

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