Investigators’ Grand Prize: call for manuscripts

Editions Robert Laffont, Le Figaro Magazine and Agence universitaire de la Francophonie rely on your writing skills!

Are you the author of a first detective novel, thriller or noir novel, and do you dream of being published?

No more time to lose, send us your manuscript from December 27, 2019 to February 3, 2020 (midnight Paris time) via the site

Your novel will be read by a prestigious jury of twelve professionals who each represent an essential stage in any judicial investigation and who, together, make up the large family of investigators.

The winner will be awarded the  Grand Prix des Enquêteurs 2020  and his novel published by Robert Laffont, in the collection “La Bête noire” , in September 2020.

Warning: candidates must have written a text in the form of a fiction. It must be an original work, neither published nor in the process of publication. Works published on the author’s account are accepted. The prize is open to French-speaking authors, regardless of nationality.

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