Job Archives

L'Université de la Colombie-Britannique

Lieu : Colombie-Britannique
Date de publication : 2024-04-02
Annoncé jusqu'au : 2024-06-01

À l'UBC, nous croyons qu'attirer et retenir une main-d'œuvre diversifiée est la clé de la réussite de la poursuite de l'excellence en recherche, en innovation et en apprentissage pour tous les professeurs, le personnel et les étudiants. Notre engagement envers l'équité en matière d'emploi contribue à l'inclusion et à l'équité, apporte une riche diversité à l'UBC en tant que lieu de travail et crée les conditions nécessaires à une carrière enrichissante. Le Département d'obstétrique et de gynécologie de l'Université de la Colombie-Britannique (UBC), en partenariat avec le BC Women's Hospital & Health Centre (BCW), lance un appel à candidatures pour un poste de professeur à temps plein au rang de professeur agrégé (permanence de subvention). Le candidat retenu détiendra la chaire en santé des femmes d'âge mûr et d'âge mûr soutenue par BCW, sous réserve des approbations universitaires. Le département d'obstétrique et de gynécologie de l'UBC propose des programmes de formation aux niveaux du premier cycle, des cycles supérieurs et des cycles supérieurs, et poursuit des recherches pour faire progresser les connaissances de manière innovante et les traduire en pratique pour améliorer la santé. Le Département compte plus de 300 médecins et scientifiques ainsi que plus de 50 membres du personnel administratif, de recherche et technique. Des programmes de formation spécialisés sont proposés en oncologie gynécologique, en médecine fœto-maternelle, en endocrinologie reproductive et en infertilité, ainsi que des programmes de formation avancée en endométriose, douleur pelvienne et chirurgie laparoscopique avancée, planification familiale, santé vulvovaginale et médecine pelvienne féminine et chirurgie reconstructive et maladies infectieuses reproductives. . Le BC Women's Hospital & Health Centre (BCW) est le seul établissement en Colombie-Britannique (BC) consacré principalement à la santé des femmes, des nouveau-nés et des familles. Il offre une large gamme de services spécialisés de santé pour les femmes qui répondent aux besoins de santé des femmes de tous âges et de tous horizons, et le programme néonatal est la plaque tournante du système provincial de soins quaternaires. BC Women's est l'une des plus grandes maternités au Canada, avec environ 7 200 naissances par an, et est à la fois le principal fournisseur de services de maternité primaires et secondaires dans la région du Lower Mainland de la Colombie-Britannique et la pierre angulaire du système de soins tertiaires provincial. En tant que centre de santé universitaire, le mandat de BCW comprend un leadership fort en matière de recherche par l'intermédiaire du BC Women's Research Institute et d'éducation en partenariat avec l'Université de la Colombie-Britannique (UBC), ainsi que le perfectionnement professionnel des professionnels de la santé dans des domaines liés à la santé de la population. populations que nous servons. BCW se consacre à l'amélioration de la santé des femmes, des nouveau-nés et des familles grâce à une gamme complète de services, de recherche et d'éducation. BCW fait partie de la Provincial Health Services Authority (PHSA). L'ajout d'un gynécologue possédant une expertise en matière de santé des femmes d'âge mûr et d'âge mûr à BC Women's facilitera le développement d'un programme de santé des femmes d'âge moyen et d'âge mûr qui sera un programme clinique unique et innovant au Canada. Définir un traitement fondé sur des données probantes pour ce groupe de femmes mal desservies est une priorité. Ce programme offrira une riche opportunité d’excellence dans les soins cliniques et de faire progresser la recherche dans ce domaine. La consultation d'utilisateurs de connaissances spécifiques autres que les enquêteurs (c'est-à-dire les patients/le public, etc.) sera utilisée pour élaborer une stratégie de diffusion des connaissances et une plateforme pour l'engagement des patients/du public. Relevant du chef du département d'obstétrique et de gynécologie de l'UBC et du chef du site BCW, le candidat retenu sera un clinicien-chercheur accompli ayant la capacité de mener des recherches cliniques interdisciplinaires basées sur la population et axées sur le patient sur la santé des femmes d'âge moyen et la ménopause. à BCW. Le titulaire dirigera des soins holistiques et centrés sur le patient grâce à une équipe multidisciplinaire composée de prestataires de soins de santé et de chercheurs. Ils joueront un rôle clé dans la conception, le développement, la mise en œuvre et le maintien d'un programme de recherche sur la santé des femmes d'âge mûr et d'âge mûr avec des activités cliniques, de recherche et éducatives pouvant inclure le vieillissement reproductif, la santé de la quarantaine, la physiopathologie de la ménopause, l'insuffisance ovarienne prématurée, les hormones. thérapie et mesures de qualité de vie. Ils dirigeront un programme de recherche percutant et créeront un pôle permettant aux jeunes cliniciens-chercheurs de participer à des recherches axées sur le patient. Compte tenu de la relation du programme avec le Women's Health Research Institute, avec un mandat important axé sur l'application des connaissances et la science de la mise en œuvre, le candidat retenu dirigera des recherches qui ont un fort potentiel d'impact direct sur la pratique et les politiques. Le candidat retenu sera attendu participer aux activités d'enseignement du département, ainsi qu'offrir du mentorat et de la formation aux apprenants du premier cycle, des cycles supérieurs et des cycles supérieurs. Le titulaire devra également fournir des services à l'Université et à la communauté universitaire et professionnelle au sens large. Ils travailleront en collaboration au sein de divers groupes pour proposer des initiatives stratégiques pour le Département et la Faculté. On s'attend à ce que la personne occupant ce rôle s'engage activement avec des collègues appropriés de l'Institut de recherche sur la santé des femmes et de la nouvelle Académie de médecine translationnelle au sein de la Faculté de médecine. Le candidat retenu sera titulaire d'un doctorat en médecine et sera membre du Collège royal des médecins et chirurgiens du Canada (CRMCC) ou l'équivalent. Ils doivent être admissibles à un permis d'exercice auprès du Collège des médecins et chirurgiens de la Colombie-Britannique. Le candidat retenu devra avoir démontré des preuves d'un enseignement réussi et sa capacité à diriger des étudiants diplômés, des preuves d'une activité scientifique soutenue et productive, et doit être disposé à participer aux affaires du Département et de l'Université. Ils sont reconnus comme des leaders dans leur domaine et possèdent une expérience éprouvée dans le développement, l'établissement et l'exécution de projets de recherche, avec un accent particulier sur la santé des femmes d'âge mûr et matures. De plus, le candidat retenu aura démontré son engagement à encadrer les apprenants cliniques et en recherche. Ils démontreront également une volonté de respecter des perspectives diverses, y compris des perspectives en conflit avec les siennes, et un engagement à améliorer leur propre conscience, leurs connaissances et leurs compétences liées à l'équité, à la diversité et à l'inclusion. Le salaire académique attendu pour ce poste est de 160 000 $ à 200 000 $ par an, sans compter la rémunération en vertu de l'accord-cadre des médecins pour les services cliniques. La Faculté de médecine s'engage à offrir des salaires académiques équitables, en tenant compte des qualifications et de l'expérience du candidat retenu ainsi que de ses années de rang. À l'UBC, en plus d'un salaire académique compétitif, un généreux ensemble d'avantages sociaux ainsi qu'un régime de retraite très apprécié et des congés de soutien sont inclus. Pour plus d'informations sur les différents programmes d'avantages sociaux disponibles à l'UBC, veuillez visiter : . Le candidat retenu aura également accès à une gamme complète de services, de ressources et d’opportunités de développement de carrière. Pour plus d'informations, veuillez visiter : . Veuillez soumettre votre candidature en ligne à l'adresse : . Une lettre de candidature décrivant les intérêts de recherche et d'enseignement du candidat, accompagnée d'un curriculum vitae détaillé et des noms de quatre références indépendantes, doit être incluse dans la candidature en ligne. Veuillez fournir un bref exposé de vos contributions actuelles ou antérieures à l'avancement de la lutte contre le racisme, de l'équité, de la diversité, de la décolonisation, de l'indigénisation et de l'inclusion dans un contexte universitaire, professionnel ou communautaire. Toute question doit être adressée à : Hannah Sauvé Gestionnaire adjointe des ressources humaines, Département d'obstétrique et de gynécologie de l'UBC Courriel :

Ligne d'objet : Professeur en santé des femmes d'âge mûr et d'âge mûr

L’examen des candidatures débutera le  8 mai 2024  et se poursuivra jusqu’à ce que le poste soit pourvu. La date de début prévue pour ce poste est le 1er septembre 2024 ou à une date à convenir d'un commun accord. Ce poste est à situer au sein d'un établissement de santé. Par conséquent, ce poste nécessite une vérification réussie de la vaccination complète contre la Covid-19 fournie avant la date de début, comme l'exige le mandat provincial en matière de santé. Nous invitons les candidatures de candidats qualifiés qui partagent notre engagement envers l'équité en matière d'emploi et l'excellence inclusive, et nous acceptons les candidatures de candidats appartenant à des groupes historiquement, persistantes ou systémiquement marginalisés : les peuples autochtones (Premières Nations, Métis, Inuits), les personnes racialisées, les personnes avec handicaps, femmes, personnes 2SLGBTQIA+ et personnes trans et non binaires. L'Université s'engage à créer et à maintenir un environnement de travail inclusif et équitable pour tous les membres de son effectif. Un environnement de travail inclusif suppose un environnement dans lequel les différences sont appréciées, reconnues et intégrées dans les structures, la planification et les modes de prise de décision actuels. Dans le cadre de ce processus d'embauche, nous nous engageons à créer un processus inclusif et équitable pour tous les candidats (y compris, mais sans s'y limiter, les personnes handicapées). Des hébergements confidentiels sont disponibles sur demande. Veuillez contacter Hannah Sauvé par courriel à . Si vous avez des questions concernant les aménagements ou l'accessibilité pendant le processus de recrutement et d'embauche ou pour plus d'informations et de soutien, veuillez visiter le site Web du Centre for Workplace Accessibility de l'UBC à l'adresse . /centre-workplace-accessibility ou contactez le Centre à . Avec gratitude, nous reconnaissons que la Faculté de médecine de l'Université de la Colombie-Britannique et ses programmes distribués, qui comprennent quatre campus universitaires, sont situés sur les territoires traditionnels, ancestraux et non cédés des peuples et des communautés des Premières Nations de la province. Notre vision : Transformer la santé pour tous. Classée parmi les meilleures écoles de médecine au monde avec le cinquième plus grand nombre d'inscriptions en médecine en Amérique du Nord, la Faculté de médecine de l'UBC est un chef de file tant dans la science que dans la pratique de la médecine. Partout en Colombie-Britannique, plus de 12 000 professeurs et employés forment la prochaine génération de médecins et de professionnels de la santé, font des découvertes remarquables et contribuent à ouvrir la voie à une meilleure santé pour nos communautés, ici et dans le monde. La Faculté - composée d'environ 2 200 membres du personnel de soutien administratif, technique/recherche et de gestion et professionnel, ainsi que d'environ 650 universitaires à temps plein et plus de 10 000 membres du corps professoral clinique - est composée de 19 départements universitaires de sciences fondamentales et/ou cliniques, de trois écoles, et 24 centres et instituts de recherche. En collaboration avec ses partenaires universitaires et des autorités sanitaires, la Faculté propose des programmes innovants et mène des recherches dans les domaines de la santé et des sciences de la vie. Les professeurs, le personnel et les stagiaires travaillent sur des campus universitaires, des campus universitaires cliniques en milieu hospitalier et d'autres centres régionaux à travers la province. UBC - L'une des principales universités au monde. En tant que l'une des principales universités au monde, l'Université de la Colombie-Britannique crée un environnement d'apprentissage exceptionnel qui favorise la citoyenneté mondiale, fait progresser une société civile et durable et soutient des recherches exceptionnelles au service de la population de la Colombie-Britannique, du Canada et du monde. L'UBC embauche sur la base du mérite et s'engage à respecter l'équité en matière d'emploi. Toutes les personnes qualifiées sont encouragées à postuler. L’équité et la diversité sont essentielles à l’excellence académique. Une communauté ouverte et diversifiée favorise l’inclusion de voix sous-représentées ou découragées. Nous encourageons les candidatures de membres de groupes qui ont été marginalisés pour tout motif énuméré dans le Code des droits de la personne de la Colombie-Britannique, notamment le sexe, l'orientation sexuelle, l'identité ou l'expression de genre, la racialisation, le handicap, les convictions politiques, la religion, l'état matrimonial ou familial, l'âge et /ou statut de personne des Premières Nations, Métis, Inuit ou autochtone. Tous les candidats qualifiés sont encouragés à postuler ; cependant, les Canadiens et les résidents permanents du Canada auront la priorité. |

Job Features

Job CategoryTeaching and scientific research

L’Université de la Colombie-Britannique Lieu : Colombie-Britannique Date de publication : 2024-04-02 Annoncé jusqu’au : 2024-06-01 À l’UBC, nous croyons qu’attirer et reteni...View more

Research Field
Researcher Profile
Recognised Researcher (R2)
Established Researcher (R3)
United Arab Emirates
Application Deadline
Type of Contract
Job Status
Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?
Not funded by an EU programme
Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?

Offer Description


The Division of Science, Mathematics department at New York University Abu Dhabi is inviting applications for fully-funded research associate position in the following areas:

  • Stability of 2D/3D crowd motion and multi-level building evacuation using mean-field-type games.
  • Stability of singularity formation in fluid systems.
  • Nonlinear instabilities and transition thresholds in Couette flow
  • Wave turbulence
  • Stability in geophysical fluids and plasmas physics

Applicants must hold a Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics, Physics/Mechanical Engineering with demonstrated expertise in the area of Computational Fluid Dynamics and stability analysis. At least 5 years of post Ph.D. research experience in the field is required. PhD holders with a strong publication record, a background in computational fluid dynamics, laminar to turbulence transition, and vortex dynamics are encouraged to apply. Experience in high-performance computing is required.

The terms of employment are very competitive and include housing and educational subsidies for children. Applications will be accepted immediately and candidates will be considered until the position is filled. To be considered, all applicants must submit a cover letter, curriculum vitae, transcript of degree, a one-page summary of research accomplishments and interests, and at least 2 letters of recommendation, all in PDF format. If you have any questions, please email:

About NYUAD:

NYU Abu Dhabi is a degree-granting research university with a fully integrated liberal arts and science undergraduate program in the Arts, Sciences, Social Sciences, Humanities, and Engineering. NYU Abu Dhabi, NYU New York, and NYU Shanghai, form the backbone of NYU’s global network university, an interconnected network of portal campuses and academic centers across six continents that enable seamless international mobility of students and faculty in their pursuit of academic and scholarly activity. This global university represents a transformative shift in higher education, one in which the intellectual and creative endeavors of academia are shaped and examined through an international and multicultural perspective. As a major intellectual hub at the crossroads of the Arab world, NYUAD serves as a center for scholarly thought, advanced research, knowledge creation, and sharing, through its academic, research, and creative activities.

EOE/AA/Minorities/Females/Vet/Disabled/Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity Employer

UAE Nationals are encouraged to apply.

Equal Employment Opportunity Statement

For people in the EU, click here for information on your privacy rights under GDPR:

NYU is an equal opportunity employer committed to equity, diversity, and social inclusion.

Job Features

Job CategoryPostdoctoral

Organisation/Company NEW YORK UNIVERSITY ABU DHABI Research Field Engineering Mathematics Physics Researcher Profile Recognised Researcher (R2) Established Researcher (R3) Country United Arab Emirates...View more

Research Field
Computer science
Researcher Profile
Recognised Researcher (R2)
First Stage Researcher (R1)
United Arab Emirates
Application Deadline
Type of Contract
Job Status
Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?
Not funded by an EU programme
Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?

Offer Description


The laboratory of Dr. Djellel Difallah in the Division of Science, New York University Abu Dhabi, seeks a research assistant to join a new lab focused on human-machine learning.

The successful applicant will participate in research involving human computation, knowledge discovery, machine learning, and data science. The position will provide the opportunity to develop applied research skills in machine learning, interact with an international network of collaborators, and gain pre-doctoral research experience.

The ideal candidate is self-motivated and can work independently, has a passion for AI and its applications, and is willing to learn new technologies. The candidate should have a BS (MS preferred) in Computer Science or another related field. Relevant background and skills include:

  • Strong foundation in one of the following areas: Machine Learning / Information Retrieval / Recommender Systems
  • Graph Theory/Network Science
  • Strong design, development & testing skills
  • Python, C , Javascript
  • Excellent web development skills
  • Experience with probabilistic programming and deep learning frameworks is a plus

For consideration, applicants need to submit a cover letter, curriculum vitae, list of publications (if applicable), a 1-page statement of research interests, and three letters of reference. If you have any questions, please email:

About NYUAD:

NYU Abu Dhabi is a degree-granting research university with a fully integrated liberal arts and science undergraduate program in the Arts, Sciences, Social Sciences, Humanities, and Engineering. NYU Abu Dhabi, NYU New York, and NYU Shanghai, form the backbone of NYU’s global network university, an interconnected network of portal campuses and academic centers across six continents that enable seamless international mobility of students and faculty in their pursuit of academic and scholarly activity. This global university represents a transformative shift in higher education, one in which the intellectual and creative endeavors of academia are shaped and examined through an international and multicultural perspective. As a major intellectual hub at the crossroads of the Arab world, NYUAD serves as a center for scholarly thought, advanced research, knowledge creation, and sharing, through its academic, research, and creative activities.

EOE/AA/Minorities/Females/Vet/Disabled/Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity Employer

UAE Nationals are encouraged to apply.


This position is not located in the United States. You must be willing to relocate to Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.

Equal Employment Opportunity Statement

For people in the EU, click here for information on your privacy rights under GDPR:

NYU is an equal opportunity employer committed to equity, diversity, and social inclusion.

Job Features

Job CategoryPostdoctoral

Organisation/Company NEW YORK UNIVERSITY ABU DHABI Research Field Computer science Researcher Profile Recognised Researcher (R2) First Stage Researcher (R1) Country United Arab Emirates Application De...View more

Research Field
Researcher Profile
Recognised Researcher (R2)
Established Researcher (R3)
United Arab Emirates
Application Deadline
Type of Contract
Job Status
Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?
Not funded by an EU programme
Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?

Offer Description


The Division of Social Science, New York University Abu Dhabi, invites applications for a Post-Doctoral Associate in the Division of Social Science at NYU Abu Dhabi from those who have or will soon receive a PhD in economics. The appointment will begin September 1, 2024, subject to final budget approval. The successful applicant will join a group of over 20 post-doctoral fellows and 70 faculty in the Division of Social Science.

The post-doctoral associate is expected to spend at least half of their time on collaborative research with Professor John Ham; some of the projects will also involve Professor Nikos Nikiforakis. The collaborative research will include designing and exploiting experiments, some creating large micro data sets, and will be at the intersection of behavioral and labor economics.

The position is part of the Experimental group in Social Science. The ideal candidate will have solid skills in either econometrics or applied micro (e.g., labor economics) and experimental economics. The ideal candidate will also be a self-starter who is equally at ease working alone as well as part of a team.  Successful applicants are expected to publish research in leading peer-reviewed journals in economics, social science, or leading interdisciplinary journals.

The position does not require teaching, but there may be opportunities to teach for additional compensation. The position holder will join a group of over 20 post-doctoral fellows and 70 faculty in the Division of Social Science. The position provides a salary higher than internationally competitive rates for postdoctoral research positions, substantial benefits (generous housing, transportation, travel allowances, educational subsidies for children), and full health insurance and retirement contributions. The UAE does not levy income tax.

To be considered, applicants must submit a cover letter, curriculum vitae, a research statement highlighting past and current research experience, one of their papers, and three reference letters, all in PDF format. Review of complete applications will begin on December 19th and will continue until the position is filled.

Note that this position is NOT located in the United States. You must be willing to relocate to Abu Dhabi, UAE. Please contact John Ham ( if you have any questions.

Appointments will be for three years.

About NYUAD:

NYU Abu Dhabi is a degree-granting research university with a fully integrated liberal arts and science undergraduate program in the Arts, Sciences, Social Sciences, Humanities, and Engineering. NYU Abu Dhabi, NYU New York, and NYU Shanghai, form the backbone of NYU’s global network university, an interconnected network of portal campuses and academic centers across six continents that enable seamless international mobility of students and faculty in their pursuit of academic and scholarly activity. This global university represents a transformative shift in higher education, one in which the intellectual and creative endeavors of academia are shaped and examined through an international and multicultural perspective. As a major intellectual hub at the crossroads of the Arab world, NYUAD serves as a center for scholarly thought, advanced research, knowledge creation, and sharing, through its academic, research, and creative activities.

EOE/AA/Minorities/Females/Vet/Disabled/Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity Employer

UAE Nationals are encouraged to apply.

Equal Employment Opportunity Statement

For people in the EU, click here for information on your privacy rights under GDPR:

NYU is an equal opportunity employer committed to equity, diversity, and social inclusion.

Job Features

Job CategoryPostdoctoral

Organisation/Company NEW YORK UNIVERSITY ABU DHABI Research Field Economics Researcher Profile Recognised Researcher (R2) Established Researcher (R3) Country United Arab Emirates Application Deadline ...View more

Research Field
Computer science
Researcher Profile
Recognised Researcher (R2)
Established Researcher (R3)
United Arab Emirates
Application Deadline
Type of Contract
Job Status
Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?
Not funded by an EU programme
Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?

Offer Description


The research lab of Dr. Karim Ali, in the Division of Science (Computer Science Program) at New York University Abu Dhabi, seeks to hire a post-doctoral associate to work on programing languages research, to be involved in the development of open-source tools and resources, and to work on publications related to their research.

Dr. Ali’s research focuses on scalability, precision, and usability of program analysis tools. Current research projects range from developing new theories for scalable and precise program analyses (e.g., pointer analysis, data-flow analysis) to applications of program analysis in security (e.g., crypto API misuses) and just-in-time compiler optimizations (e.g., method inlining). More information on Dr. Ali’s research is available at

The position will target the rank of Post-Doctoral Associate (within 3 years of PhD) with the following:

Minimum Qualifications:

  • PhD in Computer Science, with a focus on programming languages or related fields
  • Proven scientific and research background through the independent design, implementation, and evaluation of at least one programming languages related research project
  • Excellent programming skills
  • Strong software engineering skills including use of version control systems, continuous integration, testing
  • Excellent communication skills (both written and verbal)
  • Demonstrated ability to work as part of a team

Preferred Qualifications:

  • Research publication record appropriate for the hiring rank
  • Industry experience is a plus

This position will be based at New York University in Abu Dhabi, and the candidate must be ready to relocate to the United Arab Emirates. The terms of employment are very competitive and include housing and educational subsidies for children. Applications will be reviewed immediately and candidates will be considered until the position is filled.

To be considered, all applicants must submit a cover letter, curriculum vitae, transcripts of all degrees, a one-page summary of research accomplishments and interests, and at least 2 references for letters of recommendation, all in PDF format. Short-listed candidates will be invited for an online interview, which will include delivering a short research talk. If you have any questions, please email:

About NYUAD:

NYU Abu Dhabi is a degree-granting research university with a fully integrated liberal arts and science undergraduate program in the Arts, Sciences, Social Sciences, Humanities, and Engineering. NYU Abu Dhabi, NYU New York, and NYU Shanghai, form the backbone of NYU’s global network university, an interconnected network of portal campuses and academic centers across six continents that enable seamless international mobility of students and faculty in their pursuit of academic and scholarly activity. This global university represents a transformative shift in higher education, one in which the intellectual and creative endeavors of academia are shaped and examined through an international and multicultural perspective. As a major intellectual hub at the crossroads of the Arab world, NYUAD serves as a center for scholarly thought, advanced research, knowledge creation, and sharing, through its academic, research, and creative activities.

EOE/AA/Minorities/Females/Vet/Disabled/Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity Employer

UAE Nationals are encouraged to apply.

Equal Employment Opportunity Statement

For people in the EU, click here for information on your privacy rights under GDPR:

NYU is an equal opportunity employer committed to equity, diversity, and social inclusion.

Job Features

Job CategoryPostdoctoral

Organisation/Company NEW YORK UNIVERSITY ABU DHABI Research Field Computer science Researcher Profile Recognised Researcher (R2) Established Researcher (R3) Country United Arab Emirates Application De...View more

Research Field
Computer science
Researcher Profile
Recognised Researcher (R2)
Established Researcher (R3)
United Arab Emirates
Application Deadline
Type of Contract
Job Status
Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?
Not funded by an EU programme
Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?

Offer Description


The Communication Networks Lab (ComNets) at New York University Abu Dhabi seeks to recruit a Post-Doctoral Associate under the supervision of Professor Yasir Zaki.

The ComNets Lab has previously worked on the following projects: web optimizations and measurements, assessing the impact of cutting-edge technology on society, using machine-learning in optimizing networks components such as congestion control, and/or innovative usage of generative AI (e.g., stableDiffusion) in Web.

The successful candidate is required to have experience in atleast least one of the following areas: Computer Systems, Computer Networks, Machine-Learning and AI, and Web measurements. The candidate will work in a multidisciplinary environment consisting of PhD-level scientists, graduate and undergraduate students.


  • PhD in Computer Science, or related field, preferably with a strong publication record in prestigious venues such as Sigcomm, Mobicomm, IMC, WWW (WebConf), CHI, Scientific reports, PNAS, etc.
  • Extensive experience in AI, machine learning, and web development.
  • Solid understanding of generative AI, such as LLMs and stableDiffusion.
  • Excellent programming skills in Python, C , or other relevant languages.
  • Strong problem-solving, analytical, and critical thinking skills. Ability to work effectively in a team and to communicate complex technical concepts clearly.
  • Strong statistical analysis, data management, and data collection.
  • Excellent communication skills in English, ability to work in multidisciplinary teams, and scientific creativity are essential.

The terms of employment are very competitive and include housing and educational subsidies for children. The appointment will be for a duration of 1-2 years with a possibility for renewal. This position will be based at New York University in Abu Dhabi, and the candidate must be ready to relocate to Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.

Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis and candidates will be considered until the position is filled. To be considered, all applicants must submit a cover letter, curriculum vitae with the list of publications, research statement highlighting past and current research experience, transcript, and two recommendation letters, all in PDF format. Only applications submitted on Interfolio will be considered.

Questions regarding specifics for this position may be directed to Professor Yasir Zaki at


NYU Abu Dhabi is a degree-granting research university with a fully integrated liberal arts and science undergraduate program in the Arts, Sciences, Social Sciences, Humanities, and Engineering. NYU Abu Dhabi, NYU New York, and NYU Shanghai, form the backbone of NYU’s global network university, an interconnected network of portal campuses and academic centers across six continents that enable seamless international mobility of students and faculty in their pursuit of academic and scholarly activity. This global university represents a transformative shift in higher education, one in which the intellectual and creative endeavors of academia are shaped and examined through an international and multicultural perspective. As a major intellectual hub at the crossroads of the Arab world, NYUAD serves as a center for scholarly thought, advanced research, knowledge creation, and sharing, through its academic, research, and creative activities.

EOE/AA/Minorities/Females/Vet/Disabled/Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity Employer

UAE Nationals are encouraged to apply.

Application Process

This institution is using Interfolio's Faculty Search to conduct this search. Applicants to this position receive a free Dossier account and can send all application materials, including confidential letters of recommendation, free of charge.

Equal Employment Opportunity Statement

For people in the EU, click here for information on your privacy rights under GDPR:

NYU is an equal opportunity employer committed to equity, diversity, and social inclusion.

This institution is using Interfolio's Faculty Search to conduct this search. Applicants to this position receive a free Dossier account and can send all application materials, including confidential letters of recommendation, free of charge.

Job Features

Job CategoryPostdoctoral

Organisation/Company NEW YORK UNIVERSITY ABU DHABI Research Field Computer science Researcher Profile Recognised Researcher (R2) Established Researcher (R3) Country United Arab Emirates Application De...View more

Research Field
Researcher Profile
Recognised Researcher (R2)
Established Researcher (R3)
United Arab Emirates
Application Deadline
Type of Contract
Job Status
Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?
Not funded by an EU programme
Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?

Offer Description


The Division of Science at New York University Abu Dhabi are inviting applications for a fully funded Post-Doctoral Associate position in the areas of steady-state and time-resolved X-ray and electron diffraction.

The Post-Doctoral Associate will work under the supervision of Dr. Panče Naumov ( ) on structural elucidation of materials with diffraction methods by using laboratory or synchrotron X-rays or electrons. The lab is well equipped with state-of-the-art facilities for X-ray diffraction, spectroscopy, microscopy, thermal and mechanical materials characterization, and organic synthesis. Moreover, the post-doctoral associate will have access to the well-equipped core research facilities of NYUAD.

Applicants must hold a PhD or equivalent degree in crystallography, with prior experience and publications in crystallography or related fields. Candidates with prior experience and strong publication record in electron diffraction will be given a priority.

For consideration, applicants need to submit a cover letter, curriculum vitae with full publication list, statement of research interests and three letters of reference, all in PDF format. If you have any questions, please email Prof. Panče Naumov at

The terms of employment are very competitive and include housing and educational subsidies for children. Applications will be accepted immediately and candidates will be considered until the position is filled.

About NYUAD:

NYU Abu Dhabi is a degree-granting research university with a fully integrated liberal arts and science undergraduate program in the Arts, Sciences, Social Sciences, Humanities, and Engineering. NYU Abu Dhabi, NYU New York, and NYU Shanghai, form the backbone of NYU’s global network university, an interconnected network of portal campuses and academic centers across six continents that enable seamless international mobility of students and faculty in their pursuit of academic and scholarly activity. This global university represents a transformative shift in higher education, one in which the intellectual and creative endeavors of academia are shaped and examined through an international and multicultural perspective. As a major intellectual hub at the crossroads of the Arab world, NYUAD serves as a center for scholarly thought, advanced research, knowledge creation, and sharing, through its academic, research, and creative activities.

EOE/AA/Minorities/Females/Vet/Disabled/Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity Employer

UAE Nationals are encouraged to apply

Application Process

This institution is using Interfolio's Faculty Search to conduct this search. Applicants to this position receive a free Dossier account and can send all application materials, including confidential letters of recommendation, free of charge.

Equal Employment Opportunity Statement

For people in the EU, click here for information on your privacy rights under GDPR:

NYU is an equal opportunity employer committed to equity, diversity, and social inclusion.

Job Features

Job CategoryPostdoctoral

Organisation/Company NEW YORK UNIVERSITY ABU DHABI Research Field Chemistry Researcher Profile Recognised Researcher (R2) Established Researcher (R3) Country United Arab Emirates Application Deadline ...View more

Research Field
Researcher Profile
Recognised Researcher (R2)
Established Researcher (R3)
United Arab Emirates
Application Deadline
Type of Contract
Job Status
Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?
Not funded by an EU programme
Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?

Offer Description


The Division of Science at New York University Abu Dhabi are inviting applications for a fully funded Post-Doctoral Associate position in the areas of organic electronics and optics.

The Post-Doctoral Associate will work under the supervision of Dr. Panče Naumov ( ) on structural and physico-chemical characterization of a variety of novel organic materials for electronics or optoelectronics. The candidate will use methods that include but are not limited to optical and spectroscopic characterization, electrical characterization, and mechanical characterization of materials in the solid state. Moreover, the post-doctoral associate will have access to the well-equipped core research facilities of NYUAD.

Applicants must hold a PhD or equivalent degree in solid-state chemistry, physics, electrical engineering or optics, with prior experience in the lab. Candidates with a strong publication record in optoelectronics of organic materials will be given a priority.

For consideration, applicants need to submit a cover letter, curriculum vitae with full publication list, statement of research interests and three letters of reference, all in PDF format. If you have any questions, please email Prof. Panče Naumov at

The terms of employment are very competitive and include housing and educational subsidies for children. Applications will be accepted immediately and candidates will be considered until the position is filled.

About NYUAD:

NYU Abu Dhabi is a degree-granting research university with a fully integrated liberal arts and science undergraduate program in the Arts, Sciences, Social Sciences, Humanities, and Engineering. NYU Abu Dhabi, NYU New York, and NYU Shanghai, form the backbone of NYU’s global network university, an interconnected network of portal campuses and academic centers across six continents that enable seamless international mobility of students and faculty in their pursuit of academic and scholarly activity. This global university represents a transformative shift in higher education, one in which the intellectual and creative endeavors of academia are shaped and examined through an international and multicultural perspective. As a major intellectual hub at the crossroads of the Arab world, NYUAD serves as a center for scholarly thought, advanced research, knowledge creation, and sharing, through its academic, research, and creative activities.

EOE/AA/Minorities/Females/Vet/Disabled/Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity Employer

UAE Nationals are encouraged to apply

Application Process

This institution is using Interfolio's Faculty Search to conduct this search. Applicants to this position receive a free Dossier account and can send all application materials, including confidential letters of recommendation, free of charge.

Equal Employment Opportunity Statement

For people in the EU, click here for information on your privacy rights under GDPR:

NYU is an equal opportunity employer committed to equity, diversity, and social inclusion.

Job Features

Job CategoryPostdoctoral

Organisation/Company NEW YORK UNIVERSITY ABU DHABI Research Field Engineering Physics Chemistry Researcher Profile Recognised Researcher (R2) Established Researcher (R3) Country United Arab Emirates A...View more

Research Field
Computer science
Researcher Profile
Recognised Researcher (R2)
Established Researcher (R3)
United Arab Emirates
Application Deadline
Type of Contract
Job Status
Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?
Not funded by an EU programme
Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?

Offer Description


The Laboratory for Computer-Human Intelligence in the Division of Engineering of New York University Abu Dhabi (NYUAD), seeks to recruit a motivated Post-Doctoral Associate to work on cutting-edge machine learning / artificial intelligence applications that utilize human signals (e.g. text, audio, physiology).

Technical Experience

The successful applicant will have the following technical experience in:

  • The development of end-to-end applications (e.g. databases, algorithms, visualizations).
  • Processing one or more data types/signals (e.g. text, audio, images, physiology).
  • Applying machine learning algorithms (e.g. regression, neural networks).
  • Utilizing the following programming languages/frameworks: bash, SQL, Python, HTML, Javascript, and Tensorflow/Pytorch, as well as code version control (git).
  • Authoring peer-reviewed scientific papers in top-tier scientific venues.


The successful applicant should be self-driven and interested in the general domain of machine learning (e.g. latest ideas, research findings, research tools), contain a scientific curiosity for formalizing the underlying mechanisms of the observable world (e.g. do we make conclusions based on the words in speech, or intonation of speech?), and is passionate about creating timeless systems, with an attention to detail and zeal for quality.

Educational Experience

The successful application will have a PhD degree in Computer Science (or equivalent major).

Application Requirements

Applications will be considered on a rolling basis until the position is filled. An applicant that passes the review process will be accepted immediately. The terms of employment are very competitive and include housing and educational subsidies for children. To be considered, all applicants must submit both a screening form and a full application docket in PDF format.

Step 1: Completion of the screening form available here:

Step 2: The full application docket in PDF format must include the following:

  1. Cover letter
  2. Curriculum Vitae
  3. Transcript of degree
  4. Research Statement
  5. Two letters of recommendation

If you have any questions, please email:

Professor Tuka Alhanai, Lab Principal Investigator at


NYU Abu Dhabi is a degree-granting research university with a fully integrated liberal arts and science undergraduate program in the Arts, Sciences, Social Sciences, Humanities, and Engineering. NYU Abu Dhabi, NYU New York, and NYU Shanghai, form the backbone of NYU’s global network university, an interconnected network of portal campuses and academic centers across six continents that enable seamless international mobility of students and faculty in their pursuit of academic and scholarly activity. This global university represents a transformative shift in higher education, one in which the intellectual and creative endeavors of academia are shaped and examined through an international and multicultural perspective. As a major intellectual hub at the crossroads of the Arab world, NYUAD serves as a center for scholarly thought, advanced research, knowledge creation, and sharing, through its academic, research, and creative activities.

EOE/AA/Minorities/Females/Vet/Disabled/Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity Employer

UAE Nationals are encouraged to apply.


This position is not located in the United States. You must be willing to relocate to Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.

Application Process

This institution is using Interfolio's Faculty Search to conduct this search. Applicants to this position receive a free Dossier account and can send all application materials, including confidential letters of recommendation, free of charge.

Equal Employment Opportunity Statement

For people in the EU, click here for information on your privacy rights under GDPR:

NYU is an equal opportunity employer committed to equity, diversity, and social inclusion.

Job Features

Job CategoryTeaching and scientific research

Organisation/Company NEW YORK UNIVERSITY ABU DHABI Research Field Computer science Engineering Researcher Profile Recognised Researcher (R2) Established Researcher (R3) Country United Arab Emirates Ap...View more

Research Field
Researcher Profile
Recognised Researcher (R2)
Established Researcher (R3)
United Arab Emirates
Application Deadline
Type of Contract
Job Status
Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?
Not funded by an EU programme
Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?

Offer Description


The Division of Engineering at New York University Abu Dhabi, seeks to recruit a motivated postdoctoral associate to work under the supervision of professor Pradeep George in process Optimization, with emphasis on Chemical vapor Deposition (CVD).  The successful applicant must have a strong background in the area of Computational Fluid Dynamics.  Familiarity with response surface modeling and optimization, is a plus. Experience using commercial codes like ANSYS-FLUENT is desirable. The candidate will work in a multidisciplinary environment consisting of PhD-level scientists and undergraduate students.  In addition to conducting high-quality innovative research, responsibilities also include publishing research findings in scientific journals and conferences, mentoring undergraduate students, and participate in drafting research grant proposals.

Applicants must have a PhD in mechanical engineering, or closely-related fields. For consideration, applicants need to submit the following in PDF format:

  • cover letter,
  • curriculum vitae with full publication list,
  • statement of research interests,
  • contact details of at least three references
  • sample relevant publications (if available)

Applications will be accepted immediately, and candidates will be considered until the position is filled. The terms of employment include a highly competitive salary, medical insurance, housing allowance, annual home-leave travel, educational subsidies for children, and other benefits.

If you have any questions, please email prof. Pradeep George,

About NYUAD:

NYU Abu Dhabi is a degree-granting research university with a fully integrated liberal arts and science undergraduate program in the Arts, Sciences, Social Sciences, Humanities, and Engineering. NYU Abu Dhabi, NYU New York, and NYU Shanghai, form the backbone of NYU’s global network university, an interconnected network of portal campuses and academic centers across six continents that enable seamless international mobility of students and faculty in their pursuit of academic and scholarly activity. This global university represents a transformative shift in higher education, one in which the intellectual and creative endeavors of academia are shaped and examined through an international and multicultural perspective. As a major intellectual hub at the crossroads of the Arab world, NYUAD serves as a center for scholarly thought, advanced research, knowledge creation, and sharing, through its academic, research, and creative activities.

EOE/AA/Minorities/Females/Vet/Disabled/Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity Employer

UAE Nationals are encouraged to apply

Equal Employment Opportunity Statement

For people in the EU, click here for information on your privacy rights under GDPR:

NYU is an equal opportunity employer committed to equity, diversity, and social inclusion.

Job Features

Job CategoryPostdoctoral

Organisation/Company NEW YORK UNIVERSITY ABU DHABI Research Field Engineering Researcher Profile Recognised Researcher (R2) Established Researcher (R3) Country United Arab Emirates Application Deadlin...View more

Research Field
Researcher Profile
Recognised Researcher (R2)
Established Researcher (R3)
United Arab Emirates
Application Deadline
Type of Contract
Job Status
Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?
Not funded by an EU programme
Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?

Offer Description


The Division of Engineering at New York University Abu Dhabi seeks to recruit a postdoctoral associate to work under the supervision of Professor Rita Sousa in geotechnical engineering, with emphasis on stochastic and probabilistic modeling and design, especially in areas such as random field theory and reliability in geotechnical engineering applications (including but not limited to tunnels, foundations, and landslides). Proficiency in probabilistic machine learning and optimization will be highly desirable. Knowledge of GIS applications will be considered an asset.

The candidate will work in a multidisciplinary environment of PhD-level scientists, graduate and undergraduate students. Beyond pioneering top-notch innovative research, duties also include publishing research discoveries in reputed scientific journals and conferences, mentoring undergraduate students, and taking an active role in drafting research grant proposals.

Key Qualifications:

  • Ph.D. in civil engineering, geotechnical engineering, or a closely related field.
  • Profound knowledge and experience in stochastic modeling, probabilistic modeling.
  • Familiarity with geotechnical applications such as tunnels, foundations, and landslides.
  • Experience with probabilistic machine learning and optimization is highly desired.
  • Acquaintance with GIS tools and software will be a significant advantage.

Application Materials:

Interested candidates should submit the following documents in PDF format:

  • Cover letter outlining your relevant experience and reasons for interest in the position.
  • Curriculum vitae accompanied by full publication list.
  • A statement of research interests.
  • A minimum of three letters of reference.
  • Sample of relevant publications (if available).

Applications are welcome immediately. Candidates will be considered until the position is filled. The employment package comprises a highly competitive salary, medical insurance, housing allowance, annual home-leave travel, educational subsidies for children, among other benefits. If you have any questions, please email Dr. Rita Sousa at

About NYUAD:

NYU Abu Dhabi is a degree-granting research university with a fully integrated liberal arts and science undergraduate program in the Arts, Sciences, Social Sciences, Humanities, and Engineering. NYU Abu Dhabi, NYU New York, and NYU Shanghai, form the backbone of NYU’s global network university, an interconnected network of portal campuses and academic centers across six continents that enable seamless international mobility of students and faculty in their pursuit of academic and scholarly activity. This global university represents a transformative shift in higher education, one in which the intellectual and creative endeavors of academia are shaped and examined through an international and multicultural perspective. As a major intellectual hub at the crossroads of the Arab world, NYUAD serves as a center for scholarly thought, advanced research, knowledge creation, and sharing, through its academic, research, and creative activities.

EOE/AA/Minorities/Females/Vet/Disabled/Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity Employer

UAE Nationals are encouraged to apply

Application Process

This institution is using Interfolio's Faculty Search to conduct this search. Applicants to this position receive a free Dossier account and can send all application materials, including confidential letters of recommendation, free of charge.

Equal Employment Opportunity Statement

For people in the EU, click here for information on your privacy rights under GDPR:

NYU is an equal opportunity employer committed to equity, diversity, and social inclusion.

Job Features

Job CategoryPostdoctoral

Organisation/Company NEW YORK UNIVERSITY ABU DHABI Research Field Engineering Researcher Profile Recognised Researcher (R2) Established Researcher (R3) Country United Arab Emirates Application Deadlin...View more

United Arab Emirates
Posted 2 months ago
Research Field
Researcher Profile
Recognised Researcher (R2)
First Stage Researcher (R1)
United Arab Emirates
Application Deadline
Type of Contract
Job Status
Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?
Not funded by an EU programme
Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?

Offer Description

Open Rank, Professor in Economics, with a priority given to the field of Theoretical or Applied Econometrics, Tenured/Tenure Track


The Economics Program in the Division of Social Science at New York University Abu Dhabi (NYUAD) is inviting applications from economists with an excellent research record. Strong preference will be given to candidates in theoretical or applied econometrics, but outstanding candidates in all fields may be considered. The position comes with generous research support.

About NYU Abu Dhabi

Established in partnership between New York University (NYU) and the emirate of Abu Dhabi, over the last decade, NYUAD has assembled a remarkable community of scholars, students, researchers, artists, inventors, and others who have contributed to the growth of the UAE’s capital as a global hub of knowledge and culture while establishing a new model of higher education for today’s complex world.

NYUAD is animated by inspiring and diverse faculty, students, and staff working together in an exciting and dynamic city. As an international center of excellence in teaching and research, our goal is to attract outstanding faculty who are leaders in their fields, encouraging them to create programs that draw outstanding students and provide an intellectually rich environment.

NYUAD students come from more than 126 countries, with no single nationality exceeding more than 15 percent of the total student population. Likewise, our over 320 faculty members represent more than 45 nationalities and bring a global perspective to their classrooms and research projects. NYUAD is committed to building and strengthening a university-wide culture of inclusion, diversity, belonging and equity (IDBE), which is fundamental to the University’s commitment to excellence. Visit our website for more information on NYUAD’s commitment to IDBE and how these values are fundamental to our mission.

Students are drawn from among the world’s best. They are bright, intellectually passionate, and committed to building a campus environment anchored in mutual respect, understanding, and care. The NYUAD undergraduate student body has garnered an impressive record of scholarships, graduate-school admissions, and other global honors. Graduate education is an area of growth for the University; the current graduate student population of over 100 students is expected to expand in the next decade as doctoral programs are developed. In Economics, we currently offer a Bachelor’s and a MSc degree.

Working for NYUAD

At NYUAD, we recognize that Abu Dhabi is more than where you work; it’s your home. In order for faculty to thrive, we offer a comprehensive benefits package. This starts with a generous relocation allowance; educational assistance for your dependents; access to health and wellness services; and more. NYUAD is committed to faculty success throughout the academic trajectory, providing support for ambitious and world-class research projects and innovative, interactive teaching approaches. Support for dual-career families is a priority. Visit our website for more information on benefits for you and your dependents.


This position requires a Ph.D. in economics.

Application Instructions

To apply for this position, please submit the following items:

  • Curriculum Vitae (CV)
  • Cover Letter
  • Teaching Statement
  • Research Statement
  • Recent teaching evaluations (optional)
  • Diversity Statement (how you would contribute to inclusion, diversity, belonging, and equity)
  • Up to 5 representative publications or other writing samples
  • Names and email addresses of 3 references (each will be contacted to upload their reference via Interfolio). Senior candidates may delay having references sent until they know if they are finalists.

We will review applications on a rolling basis and will continue until the position is filled. We will anticipate that successful candidates can start the appointment and relocate to Abu Dhabi in the academic year 2024-2025.

For questions about this position, please email

Join NYU Abu Dhabi, an exceptional place for exceptional people.

NYUAD values diversity, inclusion, belonging, and equity; such principles are fundamental to the university's commitment to excellence. NYUAD is an equal opportunity employer.  We particularly welcome applications from members of traditionally underrepresented groups, women, and UAE nationals. Multidisciplinary research and exceptional teaching in a highly diverse and inclusive campus community are hallmarks of the University’s mission.

@WorkAtNYUAD #nyuadfacultycareers

Application Process

This institution is using Interfolio's Faculty Search to conduct this search. Applicants to this position receive a free Dossier account and can send all application materials, including confidential letters of recommendation, free of charge.

Equal Employment Opportunity Statement

For people in the EU, click here for information on your privacy rights under GDPR:

NYU is an equal opportunity employer committed to equity, diversity, and social inclusion.

Job Features

Job CategoryTeaching and scientific research

Organisation/Company NEW YORK UNIVERSITY ABU DHABI Research Field Economics Researcher Profile Recognised Researcher (R2) First Stage Researcher (R1) Country United Arab Emirates Application Deadline ...View more

Research Field
Computer science
Researcher Profile
Recognised Researcher (R2)
Established Researcher (R3)
United Arab Emirates
Application Deadline
Type of Contract
Job Status
Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?
Not funded by an EU programme
Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?

Offer Description


As part of the Electrical Engineering program of the Engineering Division and the Center of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics (CAIR) at NYU Abu Dhabi the group of Prof. Kyriakopoulos seeks to improve the autonomy of Field Robotic systems by fusing control theoretic and machine intelligence approaches. Formal models are directly applied in real experimental facilities.

We are seeking one (1) motivated Post-Doctoral Associate to join the team and make significant contributions to the field, on topics including (i) Control, Optimization and/or Machine Learning for Sensor-based Robotic Motion Planning and Control and (ii) Autonomous Robotic Systems (Marine, Ground): Complex Multi-body Systems.

The ideal candidate has to be self-motivated and can work independently, to have a passion for Robotics fundamental aspects and applications, and to be willing to extent to new horizons. Prior proven work experience on combination of analytic and experimental approaches on autonomous robotic systems is highly desirable.

The Postdoc will be based at NYU Abu Dhabi and will report directly to Prof. K.J.Kyriakopoulos in close collaboration with other researchers, PhD students, and undergraduate research assistants. The Postdoc will engage with our regular collaborators at local institutions in the UAE and abroad.

Applicants must hold a PhD degree in Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science, or any other related field.

Excellent communication skills in English, ability to work in multidisciplinary teams, and scientific creativity are essential.

Our team offers multidisciplinary training with a high degree of academic freedom among various high-impact translational projects. The recruits will work in a multidisciplinary environment consisting of PhD-level scientists, graduate students and undergraduate students, ensuring the recruits learn valuable skills in writing manuscripts and grant proposals, advising fellow researchers, and establishing collaborations across disciplines.

The terms of employment are very competitive and the position provides a salary higher than internationally competitive rates for post-doctoral positions, in addition to substantial benefits (generous housing, transportation and travel allowances, educational subsidies for children), together with full health insurance and retirement contributions. The UAE does not levy income tax.

Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis and candidates will be considered until the positions are filled. For consideration, applicants need to submit (all in PDF format):

  • a cover letter including the names of at least two referees having essential knowledge of the candidate’s academic work,
  • a curriculum vitae with a full publication list,
  • a statement of research interests and
  • a 1-2 p statement of purpose,

If you have any questions that are not answered in the job advert, please email:  and include [CONTROL POSTDOCS] in the subject line.

 About NYUAD

NYU Abu Dhabi is a degree-granting research university with a fully integrated liberal arts and science undergraduate program in the Arts, Sciences, Social Sciences, Humanities, and Engineering. NYU Abu Dhabi, NYU New York, and NYU Shanghai, form the backbone of NYU’s global network university, an interconnected network of portal campuses and academic centers across six continents that enable seamless international mobility of students and faculty in their pursuit of academic and scholarly activity. This global university represents a transformative shift in higher education, one in which the intellectual and creative endeavors of academia are shaped and examined through an international and multicultural perspective. As a major intellectual hub at the crossroads of the Arab world, NYUAD serves as a center for scholarly thought, advanced research, knowledge creation, and sharing, through its academic, research, and creative activities.

EOE/AA/Minorities/Females/Vet/Disabled/Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity Employer

UAE Nationals are encouraged to apply

This position is not located in the United States. You must be willing to relocate to Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.

Equal Employment Opportunity Statement

For people in the EU, click here for information on your privacy rights under GDPR:

NYU is an equal opportunity employer committed to equity, diversity, and social inclusion.

Job Features

Job CategoryPostdoctoral

Organisation/Company NEW YORK UNIVERSITY ABU DHABI Research Field Computer science Engineering Researcher Profile Recognised Researcher (R2) Established Researcher (R3) Country United Arab Emirates Ap...View more

Research Field
Biological sciences
Researcher Profile
Recognised Researcher (R2)
Established Researcher (R3)
United Arab Emirates
Application Deadline
Type of Contract
Job Status
Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?
Not funded by an EU programme
Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?

Offer Description


New York University Abu Dhabi seeks to recruit a Research Associate with expertise in bioinformatics and statistical genetics to work within the newly established Virtual Research Institute (VRI). The role of the selected applicant will focus on supporting the Institute’s mission to develop a comprehensive research infrastructure - whereby diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment are tailored to each patient. The program aims to understand the basis of health outcomes and traits related to the most common non-communicable diseases in the UAE and to integrate large multi-omics and neuroimaging datasets.

The appointed applicant will conduct advance bioinformatic and statistical analysis to advance scientific knowledge in this field and will contribute to the development of solutions to handle the analysis of large amounts of genomic, neuroimaging and health-related data. Position duties include performing bioinformatic data analysis of genomic datasets (e.g. whole genome genotyping and sequencing) using various tools and working directly on the design and implementation of analysis pipelines that support research needs in coordination with NYUAD’s Core Bioinformatics and HPC teams. The successful candidate will also contribute to scientific publications, write documentation for the tools, pipelines and resources available, integrate into the existing team of scientists and participate and lead training sessions of the VRI team. The candidate must have excellent organizational and communication skills with a high level of proficiency in English and the ability to work effectively in a team as well as individually.


  • PhD with experience in bioinformatics, statistical genetics or computational biology;
  • Advanced skills with programming and experience with HPC environments;
  • Experience with complex traits and human genomic data analysis (e.g. WGS, Variant Calling, Annotation).
  • Publication record representative of required qualifications


  • Experience in managing genomics databases
  • Experience with standard statistics packages

For consideration, applicants need to submit a cover letter, curriculum vitae with full publication list, statement of research interests, transcript and three letters of reference, all in PDF format. If you have any further questions, please send an email to Dr. Youssef Idaghdour at

The terms of employment are very competitive and include housing and educational subsidies for children. Applications will be accepted immediately and candidates will be considered until the position is filled.


NYU Abu Dhabi is a degree-granting research university with a fully integrated liberal arts and science undergraduate program in the Arts, Sciences, Social Sciences, Humanities, and Engineering. NYU Abu Dhabi, NYU New York, and NYU Shanghai, form the backbone of NYU’s global network university, an interconnected network of portal campuses and academic centers across six continents that enable seamless international mobility of students and faculty in their pursuit of academic and scholarly activity. This global university represents a transformative shift in higher education, one in which the intellectual and creative endeavors of academia are shaped and examined through an international and multicultural perspective. As a major intellectual hub at the crossroads of the Arab world, NYUAD serves as a center for scholarly thought, advanced research, knowledge creation, and sharing, through its academic, research, and creative activities.

EOE/AA/Minorities/Females/Vet/Disabled/Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity Employer

UAE Nationals are encouraged to apply

Equal Employment Opportunity Statement

For people in the EU, click here for information on your privacy rights under GDPR:

NYU is an equal opportunity employer committed to equity, diversity, and social inclusion.

Job Features

Job CategoryTeaching and scientific research

Organisation/Company NEW YORK UNIVERSITY ABU DHABI Research Field Biological sciences Researcher Profile Recognised Researcher (R2) Established Researcher (R3) Country United Arab Emirates Application...View more

Research Field
Psychological sciences
Researcher Profile
Recognised Researcher (R2)
Established Researcher (R3)
United Arab Emirates
Application Deadline
Type of Contract
Job Status
Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?
Not funded by an EU programme
Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?

Offer Description


The Volcic laboratory in the Division of Science, New York University Abu Dhabi, is inviting applications for a fully funded post-doctoral associate position to work on vision, haptics, multisensory perception and/or sensorimotor integration. The initial appointment is for two years, with the possibility of renewal. The position is available immediately.

The post-doctoral associate will be part of the research group headed by Dr. Robert Volcic, at NYU Abu Dhabi. The focus of the group is on visual, haptic and multisensory perception to understand the role our senses play in perceiving spatial properties of objects and their arrangement in the world, how these senses are used to guide our movements, and, how active motor behavior, in turn, affects sensory processing. The methods used include behavioral measures, psychophysics and movement tracking. The lab is equipped with state-of-the-art systems for motion capture, eye tracking and 3D vision. A list of representative publications can be found at:

Applicants must have (or be close to completing) a Ph.D. in Psychology, Cognitive Science, or a related field. Excellent experimental skills relevant to the project are required, as demonstrated by previous research positions and publications in international scientific journals.

Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled. The start date is flexible. The terms of employment are very competitive and include housing and educational subsidies for children. To be considered, all applicants must submit a cover letter, curriculum vitae with full publication list, the relevant degree, a statement of research interests, and contact information of two referees, all in PDF format. Interested applicants are encouraged to informally contact Robert Volcic ( with any questions about the position, university, or area.

The NYUAD campus is located on Saadiyat Island (Abu Dhabi’s cultural hub), minutes away from the white sand beaches as well as the world class entertainment, big city and nature activities that have made the area one of the top ten tourist destinations in the world. More information about living in Abu Dhabi can be found here:

About NYUAD:

NYU Abu Dhabi is a degree-granting research university with a fully integrated liberal arts and science undergraduate program in the Arts, Sciences, Social Sciences, Humanities, and Engineering. NYU Abu Dhabi, NYU New York, and NYU Shanghai, form the backbone of NYU’s global network university, an interconnected network of portal campuses and academic centers across six continents that enable seamless international mobility of students and faculty in their pursuit of academic and scholarly activity. This global university represents a transformative shift in higher education, one in which the intellectual and creative endeavors of academia are shaped and examined through an international and multicultural perspective. As a major intellectual hub at the crossroads of the Arab world, NYUAD serves as a center for scholarly thought, advanced research, knowledge creation, and sharing, through its academic, research, and creative activities.

EOE/AA/Minorities/Females/Vet/Disabled/Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity Employer

UAE Nationals are encouraged to apply.

Equal Employment Opportunity Statement

For people in the EU, click here for information on your privacy rights under GDPR:

NYU is an equal opportunity employer committed to equity, diversity, and social inclusion.

Job Features

Job CategoryTeaching and scientific research

Organisation/Company NEW YORK UNIVERSITY ABU DHABI Research Field Psychological sciences Researcher Profile Recognised Researcher (R2) Established Researcher (R3) Country United Arab Emirates Applicat...View more