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2023 Call for Applications: Chief Investigators

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Corée du Sud
Posted 2 years ago

2023 Call for Applications: Chief Investigators

The Institute for Basic Science (IBS) is a government-funded research institute founded in November 2011 with the purpose of driving forward the development of basic science in South Korea through large-scale, long-term, group research. IBS is currently operating 31 Research Centers in mathematics, physics, chemistry, life sciences, Earth science and interdisciplinary sciences. In 2023, we are seeking candidates for the Chief Investigator (CI) position of research groups. We look forward to receiving applications from many excellent scientists.

1. Selection Type
Outstanding early career researchers who are capable of exploring new territories of basic science will be selected as candidates for the position of CI. CIs will form their own research group at IBS HQ.
Two CI groups for Pioneer Research Center (PRC)* of the HQ will be given first consideration, but it is also possible to select CI groups at Institutes** of IBS HQ.
* PRC for Biomolecular and Cellular Structure, PRC for Climate and Earth Science, and PRC for Mathematical and Computational Sciences.

** Particle and Nuclear Physics Institute, and Life Science Institute.

2. Research Areas
CI Research Groups in all areas of basic science and interdisciplinary sciences, giving priority to the field of basic science research to solve human problems and pioneer new fields in accordance with the 3rd IBS Five Year Plan.

Exploration of basic science to solve human problems
(Space and Nature) Finding answers to the origin of the universe and the fundamental laws of nature

(Materials Science) Understanding the structure and behavior of materials and creating new materials

(Life Science) Identification of principles and mechanisms of life phenomena

(Earth Science) Understanding the interaction between the Earth and the environment

Conducting basic science research for pioneering new fields
(New theory) Establishment of a new theory that overturns the existing theory

(New material) Creation of new material and identification of function

(New methodology) Suggestion of a new methodology for exploring and utilizing natural phenomena

3. Qualifications
Early career researchers that can demonstrate the capacity to lead their own research group and carry out challenging, creative and independent research in basic science.
Early career researchers who possess the capability that is equivalent to that of a principal investigator at a world-renowned research institute or have great potential to reach the aforementioned level in the near future.
4. Selection Criteria
The applicant’s scientific excellence and adequacy of research plan will be reviewed by domestic and international scholars based on qualitative assessment.
Scientific excellence: Quality and significance of the applicant’s research achievements, research capabilities and potential, and other relevant aspects.
Adequacy of research plan: Adequacy, reasonability and feasibility of the group organization and operation plan, proposed budget and cost allocation, and mid- to long-term development plan and visions, and other relevant aspects.
5. Selection Procedure
By July 2023: Accepting applications
By October 2023: Selection of candidates for in-depth evaluation
By December 2023 – February 2024: In-depth evaluation
By May 2024: Comprehensive evaluation and consultation by the Scientific Advisory Board (SAB)
By October 2024: Negotiation and Appointment
* Please note that the dates are subject to change.

6. Budget
The reasonability of the budget and cost allocation proposed in the application will be carefully reviewed during the selection and evaluation process for CIs. The proposed budget will be finalized after deliberation and approval by the IBS Research Review Committee.
* The budget amount is subject to change based on availability of institutional budget.

Each CI group will receive annual research funding of 1 to 1.5 billion KRW including personnel, equipment and other costs for research activities.
* A separate consultation will take place for research equipment and facilities that cost more than an individual CI group’s budget.

The research proposal in the application must include a detailed description regarding initial startup requirements: list of required research facilities and equipment, timeline, costs and other relevant information.
Position Details
Must work full time and salary will be negotiated with the IBS President.
Have the authority to organize their group, including personnel, detailed research plan and budget allocation.
Not allowed to apply for other Korean government-funded research projects.
* Candidates who are participating in projects awarded by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) Basic Science Research Programs may commence their research at IBS only after closeout or completion of the projects.

The CI group will undergo a consultation-based interim review after two years from the start date and additional reviews follow every three years thereafter.
On the basis of the review results, research budget may be adjusted or the CI group may be phased out.

7. Application Submission
Fill in the application form in English, save it as a PDF file with the title “applicant name_CI_submission date” and send it to
Submission deadline: Friday, 21 July 2023 noon (12:00) KST
Applicants who qualify for in-depth evaluation will be notified in October 2023.

8. Inquiries
PARK Gi Hoon, Head of the Research Evaluation Team at +82-42-878-8143 or


1. Application Form for CI (English)

2. FAQ: Selection, Organization and Operation of Research CI Research Groups

3. List of IBS Research Centers (as of May 2023)

Job Features

Job CategoryTeaching and scientific research

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