The GSSI – Gran Sasso Science Institute offers 36 PhD fellowships for the academic year 2022/23 and invites applications for fellowships for the PhD Programmes in “Astroparticle Physics” (9), “Mathematics in Natural, Social and Life Sciences” (9), “Computer Science” (9), “Regional Science & Economic Geography”(9).
The official language for all PhD courses is English.
The fellowships are awarded for 4 years and their yearly amount is € 16.159,91 gross. All PhD students have free accommodation at the GSSI facilities and use of the canteen, plus benefits as listed in the call.
The application must be submitted through the online form available at by 1 June 2022 at 3 pm (Italian time zone).
The GSSI-Gran Sasso Science Institute is an international PhD school and a center for research and higher education in the areas of Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science and Social Sciences. Founded in 2012 in L’Aquila (Italy) as Center for Advanced Studies of the National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN) and then established in March 2016 as a School of Advanced Studies providing post-graduate education. Through a day-to-day collaboration and interaction, researchers and students have the opportunity to build a sound knowledge of the research methods and to experiment contamination of interests, innovative approaches and multicultural exchanges in all the GSSI activities. In addressing the complexity of today’s world, GSSI is committed to removing all barriers between its areas of study and research. The dissemination of scientific results towards society and the promotion of cultural events for generic public, citizens and schools are among GSSI goals.
What to expect from a PhD at GSSI?
Video PhD in Regional Science and Economic Geography
Video PhD in Astroparticle Physics
Video PhD in Mathemathics in Natural, Social, Life Sciences
The GSSI – Gran Sasso Science Institute ( is an international PhD school and a center for research and higher education in the areas of Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science and Social Sciences. It was founded in 2012 in L’Aquila (Italy) as a Center for Advanced Studies of the INFN – National Institute for Nuclear Physics and then established in March 2016 as a School of Advanced Studies providing post-graduate education. Through a day-to-day collaboration and interaction, researchers and students have the opportunity to build a sound knowledge of the research methods and to experiment contamination of interests, innovative approaches and multicultural exchanges in all the GSSI activities. In addressing the complexity of today’s world, we are committed to removing all barriers between the GSSI areas of study and research, where interdisciplinarity and cross-fertilization underlie everything we do. Among our goals are the dissemination of scientific results towards society and the promotion of cultural events for general public, citizens and schools.
The GSSI – Gran Sasso Science Institute, based in L’Aquila (Italy), offers 36 PhD scholarships in the following fields:
● Astroparticle Physics:
– 8 scholarships;
– 1 scholarship co-funded by GSSI and INAF-OAAb for the following research project: “Dense stellar populations and compact object mergers from large ground and space based observatories”. The selected candidate will work on the funded research project under the supervision of two advisors: Dr. Michele Cantiello (external), Prof. Marica Branchesi (internal).
The research and PhD in physics at the GSSI is focused on astroparticle physics. Astroparticle physics is an interdisciplinary and young research field, grown at the intersection of particle physics, nuclear physics, astrophysics and cosmology. It addresses some of the most pressing and fundamental questions in science today: the origin and the evolution of our universe, the nature of dark matter and dark energy, the study of neutrinos and of the ultimate constituents of matter, the search for gravitational waves, the investigation and explanation of the cosmic rays.
Within the PhD Programme in Astroparticle Physics, it is possible to apply both for INAF-OAAb Project and for GSSI scholarships, by submitting two different applications.
● Mathematics in Natural, Social and Life Sciences:
– 8 scholarships;
– 1 scholarship funded by Leonardo S.p.A. for the following research project: “Development of methods to evaluate the capabilities of quantum hardware of the Quantum Annealer type in solving combinatorial optimization problems in various areas of interest for Leonardo; examples of possible areas of investigation are linear algebra, logistics, computer vision”.
Within the PhD course in Mathematics in Natural, Social and Life Sciences a priority has been established on mathematical modeling, both towards the traditional areas of application, such as Physics or Engineering, and towards emerging issues in Biology and Social Sciences.
An emphasis will be given also to: partial differential equations and their applications, in particular mathematical models in fluid dynamics and in the study of nonlinear waves; statistical mechanics, hydrodynamic limits and derivation of effective equations in classical and quantum mechanics, phase transitions, disordered systems; methods of statistical physics in data science; numerical linear algebra and its applications, numerical methods for differential equations, high-performance computational techniques; network analysis problems; continuum mechanics, fluid dynamics models for cardiovascular circulation, computational fluid dynamics; mathematical models in biology and social sciences.
Within the PhD Programme in Mathematics in Natural, Social and Life Sciences, it is possible to apply both for the Project funded by Leonardo S.p.A and for GSSI scholarships, by submitting two different applications.
● Computer Science:
– 8 scholarships;
– 1 scholarship funded by Leonardo S.p.A. for the following research project: “Development of a framework for managing and coordinating a swarm of autonomous or semi-autonomous drones in critical scenarios, with demanding embedded computing requirements (high computing capacity on board)”.
The PhD Programme in Computer Science of the GSSI aims to provide students with the main results, theories, techniques and methodologies regarding algorithms, models, languages, software and services to cope successfully with the challenges of the present and future Information and Communication Technology.
Within the PhD Programme in Computer Science, it is possible to apply both for the Project funded by Leonardo S.p.A and for GSSI scholarships, by submitting two different applications.
● Regional Science and Economic Geography:
– 8 scholarships;
– 1 scholarship co-funded by GSSI and REDI consortium for the following research project: “Socio-economic resilience in areas affected by natural disasters, with particular reference to inner areas”
The aim of the PhD in Regional Science and Economic Geography is to address issues related to local and regional development. The methodological perspective of research and teaching is multidisciplinary, combining regional and urban economics, economic and human geography, spatial planning and sociology.
Within the PhD Programme in Regional Science and Economic Geography, it is possible to apply both for REDI Project and for GSSI scholarships, by submitting two different applications.
Information à Call
The PhD Programmes will be activated after approval by the MUR (Italian Ministry of University and Research). Activities and Duration The PhD Programmes last four years. Nevertheless, it is possible to be awarded the Ph.D. degree after the completion of the third year. The Academic Year will start on November 1 st 2022. Scholarships GSSI awards scholarships until the dissertation defense and for a maximum of four years. The yearly gross amount of the scholarship is € 16.159,91. An additional 50% on a monthly basis may be awarded for research periods abroad if approved by the GSSI.
Official language of the PhD Programmes: English.

Job Features
Job Category | Internship and training, Doctorat |