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Faculty Positions in Center for Transformative Science (CTS), ShanghaiTech University

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Posted 2 years ago

Center for Transformative Science (CTS) is a new interdisciplinary institute of ShanghaiTech University.

At CTS, we solve complex real-world problems using cutting edge big science facilities and instruments; we invent next generation powerful tools used by scientists; we cultivate scientists and innovations to explore matter in new ways. For detailed information, please visit us at

CTS is planning to establish 20-25 independent research laboratories in the near future. Each laboratory has multiple openings at various levels such as Co-PI/Research Professor/Research Associate Professor/Research Assistant Professor. Excellent candidates could be employed as tenure-track/tenured Professors together with School of Physical Science and Technology (SPST), School of Information Science and Technology (SIST), School of Life Science and Technology (SLST), etc. Excellent applicants in all fields are welcome to apply.

Applicants in the following areas are encouraged but not limited to:

1. Theory and simulation of photon-matter interactions, particularly its applications in ultrafast laser/X-ray spectroscopy.

2. Novel methods for characterizing, accessing, and manipulating amorphous materials and biological materials.

3. Coherent diffraction imaging and its applications in free-electron laser, synchrotron radiation, and electron microscopy; Super-resolution fluorescence microscopy and its applications.

4. New in-situ and operando characterization method development for synchrotron radiation and X-ray free electron laser and its applications in energy science and life science

5. Pixel array x-ray/electron detectors and big data analysis.

Submit a cover letter, a 2-page research plan, a CV plus copies of 3 most significant publications, and names and contacts of three referees in English with PDF version to:

Job Features

Job CategoryTeaching and scientific research

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