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Faculty Positions in Immunology and Microbiology, Westlake University

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Posted 2 years ago

Founded in 2018, Westlake University is a new type of non-profit research-oriented university in Hangzhou, China, backed by generous funding from public and private donors. The School of Life Sciences (SLS) at Westlake University is striving to cultivate top talents, pursue questions fundamental to our understanding of biology and disease, and develop enabling technologies that benefit humanity and advance human health.

The newly established Immunology and Microbiology Program is recruiting multiple faculty members in all ranks (Tenure-Track Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Full Professor) to lead vigorous independent research programs focusing on all aspects of immunology. Competitive candidates should have a Ph.D. or equivalent degree, an outstanding record of research accomplishments, and an innovative future research plan in any major area of Immunology.

To complement the existing strength of current faculty members in the school, candidates in the following research areas are strongly encouraged to apply:

1. Cross-regulation between the immune system and other systems under normal or disease settings, including but not limited to the nervous system, the endocrine system, commensal microorganisms, the cardiovascular system, and cancers.

2. High-dimensional quantitative analysis of immune responses using cutting-edge genomic, proteomic, microscopic, or sequencing technologies.

3. Rational design and construction of molecular or cellular entities that enable precise intervention of immune responses. Westlake University has state-of-the-art core facilities including newly expanded animal facilities, mass spectrometry, flow cytometry, microscopes and high-throughput genomic and chemical screening platforms.

SLS has a stimulating academic environment that fosters interdisciplinary collaborations among faculty members. Internationally competitive salary and startup package will be provided. For more information about SLS, please visit us at

Applicants should submit:

1. Cover letter: rank of the position that you apply to, an overview of the goals/vision of your research program, and the most significant scientific accomplishments.

2. Curriculum vitae: a complete list of publications should be included.

3. Statement of Research Summary and Research Proposals (maximum of 4 pages).

4. For applicants of tenure-track assistant professor positions, 3 letters of reference should be arranged to be sent directly by referees. All application materials should be submitted via

Completed applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis and will be accepted until the positions are filled.

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Job Features

Job CategoryTeaching and scientific research

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