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CZS Endowed Professorship for Micro- and Nanooptical Hybrid Systems – Design, Technology and Applica

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Posted 2 years ago

In a joint appointment with the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Optics and Precision Engineering IOF, the Friedrich Schiller University Jena is seeking to fill a

CZS Endowed Professorship

for Micro- and Nanooptical Hybrid Systems – Design, Technology and Application
(W3 or W2TTW3 – Berlin model)

at the Faculty of Physics and Astronomy.

The Friedrich Schiller University Jena and the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Optics and Precision Engineering IOF collaborate in the field of photonics. The endowed professorship is associated with a managerial position at the Fraunhofer IOF, which includes the scientific-technical and entrepreneurial control and development in the field of photonic system design together with the university and within the Fraunhofer model, in particular through projects in basic research concerning the simulation of hybrid optical systems including their manufacturing processes.

We are looking for an internationally renowned researcher (m/f/d) with broad expertise in modern optics with a focus on micro- and nano-optical systems and their fabrication processes. This includes excellent research on, among other things, the realization of hybrid optical systems with complete functionality to control light. One focus is the adaptation of lithographic processes to problems in optics as well as their targeted further development. The excellent research environment in Jena, especially in optics and photonics, enables an efficient practically oriented working approach using the available resources especially in the fields of electron beam and photo lithography as well as ultra precision diamond processing.

A close cooperation with other research groups at the University of Jena and an intensive interaction with thematically oriented institutes and companies within the framework of an existing and growing network are expected. Active contributions to the university’s profile line Light are desired. Commitment to academic self-government is expected. In teaching, fundamental lectures in experimental physics as well as fundamentals and special areas of micro- and nano-optical systems up to photonic integrated components (PICs) and their fabrication processes shall be represented in the master’s degree courses in physics and photonics. The language of instruction is predominantly English.

Requirements for employment are a completed degree, pedagogical aptitude, a relevant doctorate and a habilitation or equivalent academic achievement in the subject area. Experience in raising third-party funds, project acquisition and in the implementation of third-party funded projects as well as leadership skills are desirable. In the case of an initial appointment to a professorship, the professorship should initially be limited to a W2 professorship for six years. In this case, based on a positive tenure evaluation, the transition to a W3 professorship takes place after six years at the latest without a new advertisement. In the case of an appointment to a W3 professorship, the appointment is made as a civil servant for life, provided that the legal requirements are met.

The Friedrich Schiller University, the Carl-Zeiss-Stiftung and the Fraunhofer Society aim to increase the proportion of women in research and teaching, and therefore strongly encourage qualified female academics to apply. Severely disabled persons will be given preferential consideration in the case of equal suitability.

Applications in German or English with the usual documents such as curriculum vitae, copies of certificates and diplomas, list of publications and lectures, list of taught courses (including teaching evaluation reports), list of third-party funds acquired, research and teaching concept should be sent electronically via the appointment portal of the University of Jena at

no later than September 30, 2023 and addressed to:

Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena

Faculty of Physics and Astronomy, Dean

Max-Wien-Platz 1, 07743 Jena, Germany


For further information for applicants and the information on the collection of personal data, please refer to:

Job Features

Job CategoryTeaching and scientific research

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