Turkey has set up the first free hot soup tap for students

In order to improve the quality of education in all areas, from primary school to university, the Metropolitan Municipality of Bursa, which has put in place concrete investments such as the renewal of educational institutions and youth centers, pursues social projects aimed at improving the quality of life of students. As part of these social projects, the chorba soup fountain was built by the campus of the Uludağ University School of Medicine in Görükle.

Every morning, about a thousand students start their day drinking soups from the fountain. Again, students can take bread packed with soup.

Mayor of Bursa, Alinur Aktaş, Rector of the University of Uludağ, Prof.Dr. Ahmet Saim, accompanied by the guide, came to the campus to see students’ reactions to the soup fountain that began serving about a month ago. 

President Alinur Aktaş, filling the fountain soup and offering it to students and faculty, said, “The idea is really beautiful. Every day, about a thousand students take the fountain soup in the morning, take their bread with them and start the day with hot soup. I witnessed the value of a hot soup because I had the same psychology when I was in the same rows. We try to make life easier for our students and to facilitate their education and their life within different institutions. Requests have come to the point of increasing the number of this soup fountain. We will evaluate this request in a short time. “

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