The Austrian Academy of Sciences (OeAW) offers international incoming fellowships in order to allow excellent researchers from all over the world to come to Austria. Outstanding researchers wishing to apply for a Marie Skłodowska Curie Individual Fellowship, an ERC Starting or ERC Consolidator Grant are invited for a short term visit to the OeAW, to experience the unique working environment of the OeAW and to avail of the support provided by the Academy.
The Call is open until further notice.
An application is welcome by highly qualified researchers of all disciplines fulfilling the eligibility criteria for Marie Skłodowska Curie Individual Fellowships, an ERC Starting Grant or ERC Consolidator Grant with the intent to apply for funding in one of these funding schemes and choose OeAW as their host institution.
The application shall be completed in English. Please send the electronic version of the documents to the Grant Service.
- Short description
- Information sheet
- Application form
- Checklist
- Letter of recommendation for the fellow
- Invitation letter by the director of an OeAW institute
- Statement of interest from the incoming fellow.
OeAW offers funding to international incoming fellows intending to submit a for Marie Skłodowska Curie Individual Fellowship or an ERC Starting or Consolidator Grant and choosing OeAW as their host institution. Reimbursement up to a maximum of € 8,100 per fellow is awarded (max. €2,700 per month for a max. of 3 months, plus reimbursement of actual travel costs for 1 return trip; the research visits may however comprise of one single trip or several short trips).
Training is offered to applicants during their stay at OeAW, and incoming fellows will get administrative support, counselling and proposal check during the application phase by the Grant Service, too.
Funding will be provided for a stay of maximum 3 months.
The OeAW-Director of Institutes and Infrastructure awards the Incoming Fellowship. The submission of a proposal under the next call for a Marie Skłodowska Curie Individual Fellowship, or an ERC Starting or Consolidator Grant is compulsary.
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