CEMEF offers a number of post-doctoral fellowships each year. They last from 12 to 36 months.

Subjects treat complex physical and numerical themes of the materials processings domain.

They may be undertaken in an industrial setting, with the aim of gaining better knowledge and mastering techniques, or go deeper into fundamental themes.

As a post-doctoral student at CEMEF, you will have a number of opportunities at your fingertips.

You will work :

  • in a research centre at the apex of material forming research. CEMEF is involved in numerous national and international research networks.
  • on national, European and international projects in cooperation with: industrial partners, consortiums, research financed by the National Research Agency and the European Commission.
  • on a wide variety of subjects: in-depth study into a discipline and opening out towards new themes.
  • in collaboration with other international academic and industrial laboratories.

You will receive :

  • a gross yearly salary of 36 k€.
  • computer equipment and a range of high-quality material.
  • access to a large information centre.
  • a privileged environment and lifestyle in the Sophia Antipolis technopark on the French Riviera.

Post-doctoral students are given wide autonomy. They manage their project within multi-disciplinary, open teams. They publish their work and participate in congresses.

Careers :

Post-doctoral researchers at CEMEF will have already pursued a professional path, either at a university, at the CNRS (national centre for scientific research), or within an industrial research laboratory. Some researchers will continue their research within one of the CEMEF teams.

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One comment

  1. Bonjour. Je suis tres ravie des bourses et opportunite que vous meter a la disposition des etudiants. Et moi en tant que etudiant chercheur, cela me va tres bien ce qui me pousse a postuler a cette offre. Cordialement
    Kamte ernest

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