The German Center for Art History (DFK Paris) offers the Paris grant | Reindeer

The German Center for Art History (DFK Paris) offers the Paris grant | Rennes for a period of between one and three months for a project requiring a stay in archives or libraries in Paris as well as at the Archives de la critique d’art in Rennes. This scholarship is intended for researchers of all levels, without restriction of nationality. It should enable them to exchange views with teams from two institutions in France, one located in the capital and the other in the region, and to familiarize themselves with their transnational approaches to art history.

The Paris stock exchange | Rennes is part of the major research axes of DFK Paris and the Rennes Art Critics ‘ Archives : on the Rennes side, it is linked to the initiatives of the PRISME project, centered on the archives of AICA International (1948-2003 ), and the program dedicated to the archives of the Paris Biennale (1959-1985), led by the INHA; it is based on the transversality of the 91 archives of critics , artists, gallery owners and institutions since 1945. At DFK Paris, it is linked to numerous works based on the analysis of criticismart and epistemological analysis of artistic relationships (such as, among others, the projects “OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality” and “Traveling Art Histories”).

The DFK supports the financial assistance to cover the cost of living (generally amounting to € 1,700 per month) and provides a workspace, the institute’s facilities and resources as well as scientific support. and structural; the Archives de la critique d’art take care of two return trips from Paris to Rennes to stay in their collections, provide a workspace and can facilitate accommodation at the Cité Internationale Paul Ricoeur for international researchers. can be done at any time of the year, except between July 15 and August 26. Please note that people with permanent residence in Paris, Île-de-France or Rennes cannot apply.

The file of candidacy must include a CV, a letter of motivation and a project description attached to an overview of sources (maximum 3 pages off timing / detailed work program), all rolled into one file PDF . This should be sent no later than January 15 to the DFK Paris selection committee at the following address: . The selection committee meets once a year in February.

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