The best business schools in France with tuition fees

The business school ranking is a benchmark ranking that ranks the target business schools awarding the master’s degree. The objective of this list of business schools is to allow students to find their way more easily among existing training courses in the field of management. To develop this ranking, Le Figaro takes into account several indicators such as the quality of research, the number of professors, international influence, professional integration, international rankings. Today, the majority of large business schools recruit their students after two years of preparatory class: Prépa ECE (economic option), ECS (scientific option) or ECT (technological option).
The positioning of the commercial preparation makes it possible to choose the most suitable high school. But more than half of the workforce is admitted through parallel admissions.

Campus in France Accreditations and labels Main competition
1 HEC Jouy-en-Josas Equis, AACSB, AMBA-MBM BCE € 16,732
2 Essec Cergy-Pontoise Equis, AACSB, AMBA-MBM BCE € 17,172
3 ESCP Paris Equis, AACSB BCE € 16,892
4 Edhec Lille, Nice, Paris Equis, AACSB, AMBA-MBM BCE € 15,592
5 EM Lyon Lyon, Paris Equis, AACSB, AMBA-MBM BCE € 15,992
6 Skema Lille, Sophia Antipolis, Paris Equis, AACSB BCE € 14,092
7 Grenoble EM Grenoble, Paris Equis, AACSB, AMBA-MBM BCE € 14,372
8 Kedge Bordeaux, Marseille, Paris Equis, AACSB, AMBA-MBM Ecricome € 12,992
9 Ieseg Lille, Paris-La Defense Equis, AACSB, AMBA-MBM Access € 12,348
9 Neoma Reims, Rouen, Paris Equis, AACSB, AMBA-MBM Ecricome € 13,592
11 Audencia Nantes, Paris Equis, AACSB, AMBA-MBM BCE € 14,842
12 Toulouse BS Toulouse, Paris Equis, AACSB BCE € 13,092
13 Montpellier BS Montpellier Equis, AACSB, EFMD accr., AMBA-MBM BCE € 11,992
14 Rennes SB Reindeer Equis, AACSB Ecricome € 12,694
15 Essca Angers, Aix-en-Provence, Bordeaux, Cholet, Lyon, Paris Equis, AACSB, EFMD accr., AMBA-MBM Access € 11,117
15 ICN Nancy, Paris Equis, AACSB, AMBA-MBM BCE € 11,592
17 EM Strasbourg Strasbourg AACSB, EFMD accr., AMBA-MBM Ecricome € 8,862
17 Excelia (ex La Rochelle BS) La Rochelle, Tours Equis, AACSB, EFMD accr., AMBA-MBM BCE € 11,541
19 EM Normandy Caen, Le Havre, Paris Equis, AACSB Sesame € 11,092
20 Burgundy SB Dijon, Lyon, Paris Equis, AACSB BCE € 11,592
20 EMLV Paris-La Defense EFMD accr. Sesame € 9,492
22 Institut Mines-Télécom BS Evry AACSB, AMBA-MBM BCE € 7,842
23 ISC Paris, Orleans AACSB, EFMD accr., AMBA MBM BCE € 11,392
23 PSB Paris AACSB, EFMD accr., AMBA-MBM Sesame € 9,792
25 Inseec Bordeaux, Lyon, Paris AMBA-MBM BCE € 10,042
25 Ipag Paris, Nice EFMD accr. Sesame € 9,992
27 ESCE Paris, Lyon EFMD accr. Sesame € 10,842
28 EBS Paris EFMD accr. Sesame € 10,042
29 EDC Paris EFMD accr. Sesame € 9,752
30 South Champagne BS Troyes No international labels BCE € 8,791
31 Esdes Lyon EFMD accr. Access € 10,242
31 ISG Paris, Toulouse, Bordeaux, Nantes, Lille, Strasbourg, Lyon No international labels Independent procedure € 9,832
33 ESC Clermont Clermont-Ferrant AACSB, AMBA-MBM BCE € 9,342
33 ICD Paris, Toulouse No international labels Independent procedure € 9,592
35 Idrac Lyon No international labels Independent procedure € 9,572
35 Istec Paris No international labels Independent procedure € 9,872
37 Brest BS Brest No international labels BCE € 9,992
NC ESC Pau Pau EFMD accr.

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