Master Optics and Nanotechnology from University of Technology of Troyes

General informations

Duration of the training

  • 12 months (M2 only)

Location of the training

  • Université de Technologie de Troyes, France

Stage :

  • 6 month internship (typically Feb-July)

Language :

  • English

Master 1

A M1 in french can be done within the “mention” : Physique Appliquée et Ingénierie Physique (regroupe ONT et MMPA)

  • This M1 is done on the Reims campus.

Training costs*

  • Registration fees : 243€
  • No charge for scholarship holders

* In 2018/2019 (for information only)

Rhythm and modalities


  • Full-time
  • Year M2 under student status


  • Classroom

Master 2

In M2, student must choose between ONT and MMPA masters.

For foreign candidates dependent on Campus France

ATTENTION: Before submitting your application on our platform, it is mandatory to register with Campus France in your country using the following link:

An identifying number will then be assigned to you and you must report it when you submit your application to our application.




  • Enrollment in ONT – Master 2 : requires a Master I (240 ECTS) or equivalent national or international diploma corresponding to 240 ECTS (Credits).

In the case of students from outside a European country, the jury will have to decide on an admission to the first or second year by evaluating the achievements of each student, in the light of the documents provided.

Specific routes

  • UTT double diploma,for students already registered at UTT as engineer students.

APPLY  Application Help (pdf)


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