Lenovo is a US$50 billion Fortune Global 500 company, with 57,000 employees and operating in 180 markets around the world. Focused on a bold vision to deliver smarter technology for all, Lenovo is developing world-changing technologies that create a more inclusive, trustworthy and sustainable digital society. By designing, engineering and building the world’s most complete portfolio of smart devices and infrastructure, Lenovo is also leading an Intelligent Transformation – to create better experiences and opportunities for millions of customers around the world.
The rapid growth Lenovo has recently experienced in emerging markets has prompted the company to partner with TWAS to launch a high-level prize to give international recognition and visibility to individual scientists in the developing world for their outstanding scientific achievements.
The 2018 TWAS-Lenovo Science Prize was awarded to Raghunath Anant Mashelkar for his seminal contributions in mechanistic analysis, synthesis and applications of novel stimuli responsive polymers.
The 2017 TWAS-Lenovo Science Prize was awarded to Victor Alberto Ramos, for his contributions to the understanding of the formation of the Andes and the crustal evolution of South America.
The 2016 TWAS-Lenovo Science Prize was awarded to Zhao Dongyuan, for his pioneering research in the field of ordered mesoporous materials (FDU series) for diverse applications around the world.
The 2015 TWAS-Lenovo Science Prize was awarded to Artur Avila, for his outstanding contributions to several areas of dynamical systems, especially to the spectral theory of one-frequency Schrödinger operators.
The 2014 TWAS-Lenovo Science Prize was awarded to Quarraisha Abdool Karim from South Africa, for her exceptional and distinguished contributions in HIV prevention and women’s health.
The 2013 TWAS-Lenovo Science Prize was awarded to Chilean theoretical physicist Claudio Bunster Weitzman for his contributions to understanding gravity and the quirky physics of tiny, fundamental particles of matter.
Field. During the first four-year cycle (2013-2016), the award subject focused on the basic sciences, with the specific subject area changing each year: physics and astronomy (2013), biological sciences (2014), mathematics (2015) and chemical sciences (2016). During the second cycle the award subjects will be: Geological Sciences (2017), Engineering Sciences (2018), Agricultural Sciences (2020), Social Sciences (2022).
Eligibility Criteria for year 2020:
Award. The TWAS-Lenovo Science Award will carry a monetary award of USD100,000 provided by Lenovo, as well as a medal and a certificate highlighting the recipient’s major contributions to science. The award will be presented to the recipient at a special ceremony arranged by TWAS.
For the 2020 edition of the award, TWAS will consider candidates with world-class achievements in Agricultural Sciences. The ‘TWAS-Lenovo Science Award’ nominations can only be submitted electronically through the on-line platform.The deadline to submit online nominations is 10 March 2020.
Nominations. Nominations are invited from TWAS members, selected individuals, as well as from science academies, national research councils, universities and scientific institutions. Nominations of women scientists are particularly encouraged. Self-nominations and nominations from jury members will not be accepted.
Eligibility. Candidates must be nationals of a developing country and must have lived and worked in a developing country for the last 10 years. The prize will only be awarded to individuals for scientific research of outstanding international merit carried out at institutions in developing countries. Jury members and previous winners of the Trieste Science Prize (also administered by TWAS) are not eligible for the TWAS-Lenovo Science Prize.
Evaluation. The evaluation and selection will be carried out by an authoritative international jury chaired by the TWAS president and including a representative from Lenovo.
How to nominate a scientist
The ‘TWAS-Lenovo Science Award’ nominations can only be submitted electronically through the on-line platform by clicking on the “NEW NOMINATION” button at the bottom of this page.
To resume working on saved nominations, click on the “RESUME” button at the bottom of this page.
The deadline for receiving nominations is 10 March 2020, however we strongly recommend that you do not wait until the deadline but submit the nomination as early as you can to enable us to process it as quickly as possible.
A nomination is considered complete only if includes all of the following information/material:
- Nominator contact details
- Nominee contact details (self nominations are not accepted) and general infomation on the nominee, including the country where he/she has been working and living in the past 10 years
- Brief suggested citation (no more than 15 words) highlighting the nominee’s outstanding scientific achievement in Agricultural Sciences
- Supporting statement of about 200 words summarizing the scientific achievements of the nominee
- 5-6 page narrative write-up of the candidate highlighting his/her major scientific achievements
- Information on PhD (degree, year, awarding institution)
- Information of any time spent abroad in the past ten years
- The nominee’s brief CV and her/his complete list of publications are also to be uploaded, separately, onto the online platform.
- A list of no more than 20 of his/her most significant publications.
- Information on previous awards, honours, recognition received by the nominee
- Google Scholar h-index and number of citations
- Authorization from the nominee to process his/her personal data for the purposes of his/her nomination, in conformity to Art. 13 of the Italian Legislative Decree 196/2003. This authorization can only be submitted through the online platform.
In particular:
1) While filling in the form, pay attention to the requirements for each field (e.g. maximum number of characters, file type -Word files will not be uploaded, only pdf files are allowed-, date format, etc.)
2) Run a check using the button of the form menu to verify that mandatory fields have been filled in and the data you entered are accepted. This also saves your form.
Every time you run a check, you are taken to the last section of the form named “Submit”. Use the form menu to navigate to the previous sections.
3) After you run a check, fields with NOT ACCEPTED OR MISSING DATA will be highlighted in RED.
Please note that once you have duly modified the content of one or more fields, the red highlight will not disappear until you run again a check.
For quick tips, please click on: http://onlineforms.twas.org/documents/Applicants_tutorial.pdf
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for the TWAS-Lenovo Science Award
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for the TWAS-Lenovo Science Award
TWAS-Lenovo Science Award
TWAS Secretariat
ICTP Campus, Strada Costiera 11
34151 Trieste, Italy
Phone: +39 040 2240 387
Fax: +39 040 22407387
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