There are currently a number of funded research postgraduate opportunities. Please see the table below for all open competitions. Please check back again soon as new opportunities may arise.
To apply for scholarships please download the Funded Research Postgraduate Application Form and return completed applications to
We are delighted to have a number of funded PhD opportunities below under the South East Regional Development Fund (SERD) led by WIT. Our colleagues in IT Carlow also have a number of funded PhD Opportunities under this programme. Visit here for IT Carlow opportunities.
Why choose WIT?
WIT is a university-level education institution in the south-east of Ireland. It has over 10,000 students and 1,000 staff, and it supports a thriving research culture. Areas of R&D expertise include ICT, bio-pharma, eco-innovation, materials science, regional development, and health sciences. Over the past 10 years, the Institute has successfully attracted over €139m in research funding from various sources. Researchers at WIT have obtained funding from the Programme for Research in Third Level Institutions (PRTLI) cycles 3, 4 and 5; Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) Research Frontiers Programme and the Principal Investigator Programme, and various European funding programmes including eTEN and InterReg. In addition, there are three Enterprise Ireland (EI) funded Technology Gateway Centres in the areas of applied materials research, telecommunications research, and pharmaceutical and biotechnology research. WIT has has an established track record of success in the various European Framework Programmes (FP), having obtained funding in FP4, FP5, FP6, FP7 and most recently Horizon 2020 (H2020). The Institute has entered the final year of H2020 as the leading Irish Institute of Technology with respect to funding secured under this programme.”
As a result of its work on collaborative research projects, WIT has built extensive alliances with leading industrial and academic partners across Europe. In working with local SMEs, the Institute plays a significant role in the South-East region’s economic development by creating an eco-system of research, industry and entrepreneurship. WIT also encompasses a purpose-built centre for commercialisation and business incubation in its ArcLabs facility, as well as dedicated research support and technology transfer offices.
Excellent research and training in a supportive environment
WIT was the first Institute of Technology in Ireland to receive the “HR Excellence in Research” designation from the European Commission. This award acknowledges WIT as a stimulating work environment for researchers, providing attractive working conditions and equipping researchers with the broad skills and experience necessary to develop their research careers. Read more about our HR Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R). We continue to hold this award.
WIT offers a range of training under the Structured PhD programme including but not limited to ethics, GDPR, research integrity, statistics, practical pedagogy, academic writing and entrepreneurship. Doctoral candidates can also avail of the Broaden our Horizons and Odyssey Mentoring programme and scholarship recipients gain experience in lecturing undergraduates. Research Integrity training is offered to all postgraduate students conducting research activities. Grant writing workshops are also provided throughout the year by the RSU and are advertised on our events page. The Postgraduate Research Forum (E: enables sharing among peers, and we have many coffee mornings and networking sessions throughout the year.
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