Open PhD position: “Efficient computational platform on grain structure induced anisotropic behaviour in selective laser melting (SLM)”

In the team of Metallurgy, Mechanics, Structures & Solidification (2MS) at CEMEF, SLM simulation models at particle, meso and macro scales have been developed. These models have been extended for direct energy deposition and wire arc additive manufacturing process for academic and industrial projects. Recently, with the possibility to print single crystal, it shows the necessity to control the desired grain orientation and the induced anisotropic mechanical response by the numerical model at part scale.


The goal of this project ECOGRAM is to develop an efficient numerical platform for optimizing the selective laser melting (SLM) process by coupling the grain growth and its anisotropic mechanical behaviour at part scale. The macro-scale numerical model considering the non-exposed powder has been originally developed within the framework of finite element (FE) method and level-set formulation [1]: see figure hereunder for thermomechanical analysis. To generate the grain structure during the construction process, the Cellular Automaton – Finite Element (CAFE) method [2] will be adopted in this project.


Fig. 1 a) EBSD Microstructure: parallel to the building direction [3], b) thermomechanical simulation of a complex part [1], c) grain structure generated by CAFE method for welding process [2].

The main research works focus on:
– Coupling the SLM macro-scale model with CAFE approach to predict the grain structure growth.
– Applying the anisotropic elasto-visco-plastic laws for different grain structures in case of mechanical analysis.
– Validating the generated grain structure and mechanical response by measured microstructure, distortion and residual stresses.
– Adapting the inherent strain method and reduced order model to the mechanical analysis.
– Optimizing the desired grain structure to build a close loop from process parameters to anisotropic mechanical responses.
All the numerical simulation will be performed within the C++ library CimLib® developed in the laboratory. The PhD student needs to adapt and extend the existed numerical developments in this library and specifically its application to additive manufacturing simulation.

References :
[1]Y. Zhang, G. Guillemot, C.-A. Gandin, M. Bellet. Numerical modelling of fluid and solid thermomechanics in additive manufacturing by powder-bed fusion: Continuum and level set formulation applied to track- and part-scale simulations. Comptes Rendus Mecanique 346 (11) (2018): 1055-1071 (cover page).
[2] S. Chen, G. Guillemot, C.-A. Gandin. Three-dimensional cellular automaton-finite element modeling of solidification grain structures for arc-welding processes. Acta Materialia115 (2016): 448-467.
[3] K. Kunze, T. Etter, J. Grässlin, V. Shklover. Texture, anisotropy in microstructure and mechanical properties of IN738LC alloy processed by selective laser melting (SLM). Materials Science and Engineering: A, 620 (2015): 213-222.


Degree: MSc or MTech in Applied Mathematics, Metallurgy or Materials Science.
Skills: Engineer/Master student in the field of computational mechanics, or applied mathematics. Strong knowledge of finite element method, model order reduction and programming (C++) skills, and good English level would be appreciated.


about 26k€

Apply to this PhD offer


  • Industrial field: Mechanics and Materials
  • Location: MINES ParisTech – CEMEF, Sophia-Antipolis (06), France.
  • Keywords: Modelling of SLM, CAFE, Anisotropic elasto-visco-plastic law, model order reduction, optimization.
  • Duration: 3 years
  • Deadline to apply:  2020-09-30


  • Team: Metallurgy, Mechanics, Structures & Solidification – 2MS
  • Supervisors: Yancheng ZHANG, Gildas GUILLEMOT, Michel BELLET, Charles-André GANDIN


  • papers requiered to apply:
  • your most recent CV
  • Detailed, official proof of your grades during your most recent studies(maximum 3)
  • One or more references from professors or heads of training programmes

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