The Department of Physics and Astronomy, Aarhus University, invites applications for a 2 year postdoc position offering applicants an exciting opportunity to join a new research project on quantum gases strongly coupled to light.
Starting Date and Period
The position is for 2 years and is available from December 1, 2020 or as soon as possible hereafter.
Job description
You are expected to contribute to experiments with a hybrid quantum system formed by impurities immersed in Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs) and strongly coupled to. Our group has recently developed a technique to couple two quantum states in a BEC, thus creating so-called polarons. The scenario mimics the properties of e.g. electrons in a solid and thus realizes a technique called quantum simulation.
In future experiments we plan to deepen this quantum simulation approach by coupling the impurities in our condensate strongly to light. This will create polaronic polaritons, i.e., superpositions of photons and strongly interacting impurity states within a BEC. This novel type of quasi particle holds promise for quantum simulations of open quantum dynamics and for realizing light-matter quantum phases.
Within the postdoctoral position you will be taking a leading role in planning and conducting the experiments outlined above. This will include the modelling the experiment for realistic experimental conditions, planning the experimental modifications and building the required apparatus. The work will be conducted in a team with two PhD students and the project supervisor.
Your profile
Applicants should hold a degree and a PhD in experimental atomic physics.
In addition, the applicants should have prior experience in:
- Experimental cold atom physics with quantum gases.
- Team leadership experience in a research group with PhD and master’s students.
- Publication experience as first author and on a postdoctoral position.
- General communication and teaching skills appropriate for a postdoctoral position ( no teaching duties are to be expected).
Who we are
The ultracold quantum gas research group at Aarhus University investigates the properties of atomic gases at extremely low temperatures. This allows us to understand the fundamental quantum mechanical behaviour of few- and many-particle systems.
The postdoctoral position is announced with the newly founded Center for Complex Quantum Systems (CCQ). The position will profit from offers a lively platform for interactions across topics and departments in the broad area of quantum science. The Center wishes to provide optimal conditions for the personal and scientific development of its postdocs, and the successful applicants are encouraged to participate in a variety of transferable skill courses, workshops and programs, offered by Aarhus University.
What we offer
The successful candidate is offered:
- access to a well-developed research infrastructure in a leading laboratory
- an open research climate for critical discussion within and across different fields of research supported by the CCQ
- a working environment with teamwork, close working relations, network activities among young scientists
- a workplace characterized by professionalism, equality and a healthy work-life balance
Place of Work
The place of work is the Institute of Physics and Astronomy, Ny Munkegade 120, 8000 Aarhus C, and the area of employment is Aarhus University with related departments.
Contact Information
Further information about the position may be obtained from / For further information please contact: Ass. Prof. Jan Arlt, +45 42424716,
Application procedure
Shortlisting is used. This means that after the deadline for applications – and with the assistance from the assessment committee chairman, and the appointment committee if necessary, – the head of department selects the candidates to be evaluated. All applicants will be notified whether or not their applications have been sent to an expert assessment committee for evaluation. The selected applicants will be informed about the composition of the committee, and each applicant is given the opportunity to comment on the part of the assessment that concerns him/her self. Once the recruitment process is completed a final letter of rejection is sent to the deselected applicants.
Letter of reference
If you want a referee to upload a letter of reference on your behalf, please state the referee’s contact information when you submit your application. We strongly recommend that you make an agreement with the person in question before you enter the referee’s contact information, and that you ensure that the referee has enough time to write the letter of reference before the application deadline. Unfortunately, it is not possible to ensure that letters of reference received after the application deadline will be taken into consideration.
Formalities and salary range
Natural Sciences refers to the Ministerial Order on the Appointment of Academic Staff at Danish Universities under the Danish Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation.
The application must be in English and include a curriculum vitae, degree certificate, a complete list of publications, a statement of future research plans and information about research activities, teaching portfolio and verified information on previous teaching experience (if any). Guidelines for applicants can be found here.
Appointment shall be in accordance with the collective labour agreement between the Danish Ministry of Finance and the Danish Confederation of Professional Associations. Further information on qualification requirements and job content may be found in the Memorandum on Job Structure for Academic Staff at Danish Universities.
Salary depends on seniority as agreed between the Danish Ministry of Finance and the Confederation of Professional Associations.
All interested candidates are encouraged to apply, regardless of their personal background. Research activities will be evaluated in relation to actual research time. Thus, we encourage applicants to specify periods of leave without research activities, in order to be able to subtract these periods from the span of the scientific career during the evaluation of scientific productivity.
Aarhus University offers a broad variety of services for international researchers and accompanying families, including relocation service and career counselling to expat partners. Read more here. Please find more information about entering and working in Denmark here.
Aarhus University also offers a Junior Researcher Development Programme targeted at career development for postdocs at AU. You can read more about it here.
The application must be submitted via Aarhus University’s recruitment system, which can be accessed under the job advertisement on Aarhus University’s website.
Aarhus University
Aarhus University is an academically diverse and research-intensive university with a strong commitment to high-quality research and education and the development of society nationally and globally. The university offers an inspiring research and teaching environment to its 38,000 students (FTEs) and 8,000 employees, and has an annual revenues of EUR 885 million. Learn more at
25 September 2020