Postdoc Fellow of Bioinformatics and Cancer Data Sciences

Job description:

Postdoctoral researcher positions of Bioinformatics and Cancer Data Sciences are available in the laboratory of Peng Jiang at the National Cancer Institute (NCI), National Institutes of Health (NIH). The overarching goal of Jiang Lab is to understand the process of cancer immune evasion and therapy resistance through large-scale data integration and spatial genomics approaches. The candidate will develop statistical and machine learning solutions to advance our ability to treat cancer patients.

The Jiang Lab is part of the NCI Cancer Data Science Laboratory, a new initiative dedicated to translational omics research and tightly integrated with massive national projects at NCI. As the principal investigator initiating a new team, Dr. Jiang will spend a significant amount of efforts on the candidates to make sure the success of postdoc training. Meanwhile, the NIH Bethesda campus, located at the suburb of Washington DC, is the world’s largest medical research facility. Candidates will significantly benefit from the team mentorship of many world-class cancer biologists and clinicians, as well as the abundant data resource generated by many national-scale projects.

NIH appointed Dr. Jiang as the Earl Stadtman Tenure-Track Investigator, which is a prestigious startup program at NIH. Dr. Jiang is a recipient of the K99 Pathway to Independence Award of the NCI and the Scholar-In-Training Award of the American Association of Cancer Research. For more information, please see the website:

Experience Required:

Applicants should have a Ph.D. in computational sciences with high proficiency in bioinformatics, statistics, and machine learning. Candidates with a background in cancer genomics, immunology research, and imaging analysis will be preferentially considered.

How to Apply:

Please send a cover letter with past research accomplishments and future research interests, a CV with a publication list, and the contact information of three references to:

Type of Job: Postdoctoral

Discipline: Computing

Required qualification: PhD

Job duration: Fixed Term

Job hours: Full Time

Job location:

            City: Bethesda

            Country: USA

            State: MD


Deadline for application: 10/01/2020 (since the NIH payment will take some time, let’s shift the 60 day period a little later with deadline on October 1st, 2020)

Employer logo: please see the other attachment image.

Employer website

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