Postdoc position available @ Jeehye Park laboratory, SickKids Research Institute, Toronto, Canada

We are looking for a highly motivated, independent, collaborative postdoctoral researcher who has a strong interest in studying the molecular mechanism underlying amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) using mouse models and human cell lines.

The Jeehye Park laboratory in the Peter Gilgan Centre for Research and Learning, The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Canada, seeks to understand the molecular mechanisms underlying ALS. We recently created a new ALS mouse model, MATR3 S85C knock-in mouse, which recapitulates early-stage features of human ALS including motor deficits, Purkinje cell degeneration, motor neuron defects and neuroinflammation (please see: Selective neuronal degeneration in MATR3 S85C knock-in mouse model of early-stage ALS – PubMed ( With this clinically relevant model, we employ genetics, molecular and cell biology, RNA profiling and high-throughput genetic screens to (1) identify the early disease events in the neurodegenerative process and (2) elucidate the mechanism underlying selective neuronal vulnerability. Our goal is to advance our understanding of the disease mechanism and enable development of early intervention strategies for ALS.

Park lab is committed to nurture and produce independent, compassionate and professional scientists and leaders. We are dedicated to mentor and support our trainees to develop their career and for their success. The candidate will have opportunities to collaborate with many labs within the institute, nationally and internationally and have frequent meetings with collaborators to have joint discussions to advance projects forward and embark on new lines of research. The candidate will have opportunities to attend scientific conferences nationally and internationally. Trainees will be encouraged to apply for fellowships if opportunities arise and will also be involved in the process of grant applications.

The Hospital for Sick Children is renowned as one of the most respected pediatric health science centers in the world. The research institute of the Hospital for Sick Children, named as the Peter Gilgan Centre for Research and Learning (PGCRLAbout SickKids Research Institute | SickKids, is a 21-story building comprised of many different labs in various research fields from cell biology to genetics to neuroscience to metabolism. This institute also offer various core facilities for RNA sequencing, proteomics, flow cytometry, imaging, animals and more. Having many labs with different research expertise and core facilities under one roof interconnects various disciplines and enhances research collaboration. This institute provides an outstanding training environment for the next generation of scientists and leaders.


(1)  Applicants must have a PhD in biology or related fields. The applicants with the background of cell and molecular biology, genetics or neuroscience are preferred, but not required. Degree must be obtained within the last 2 years.

(2)  Applicants who have prior experience with mouse models and human cell lines are preferred, but not required.

(3)  Applicants who are curious and open-minded to learn new research field, techniques and skills.

(4)  Applicants who are highly motivated, organized, creative, independent but also able to work collaboratively with other team members.

(5)  Applicants who can supervise graduate and undergraduate students, who are mostly from the Department of Molecular Genetics, University of Toronto.

(6)  Fluency in English and great interpersonal and communication skills.

(7)  Proven track record of publications (a minimum of one first author publication with two co-author papers)

How to Apply:

Applicants should send an email with the following documents to Jeehye Park,

1. Cover letter that includes a description of previous research experience and research interests

2. Curriculum Vitae

3. Names, email addresses and other contact details for three referees

We thank all applicants for submitting their applications but only candidates selected for an interview will be contacted.

Author: jeunes

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