Full-time Academic Position in Occupational Medicine

Reference : 2022/A035

Application deadline: 31/01/2022

Start date: 01/10/2022

Job description

The ULB opens a position for a full-time academic in occupational medicine

The main activities of the position are divided into teaching (including the supervision of student master theses) and research, each for approximately half of the time.  In addition, the candidate will be expected to participate in administrative responsibilities related to the usual functioning of the School of Public Health (juries, deliberations, internal commissions) and the Health Pole. He/she will also contribute to the visibility and strengthening of the School’s position in national and international expertise in occupational medicine, occupational health and public health

He or she will be required to carry out high-level research. These developments will be facilitated by partnerships with other research centres of the School of Public Health, the Health Pole, other faculties of the university, as well as with other national and international institutions.

Research areas:

The research activities developed by the incumbent will be primarily in the fields of occupational health, public health, preventive medicine, and environmental health. These research activities are more particularly linked to the Research Centre in Environmental and Occupational Health.

Educational and scientific goals:

The courses to be taught are part of the Master of Specialization in Occupational Medicine, the Bachelor of Medicine and the Master of Public Health Sciences.

In his/her teaching activities, he/she must demonstrate pedagogical skills in line with the acquisition by students of theoretical and applied skills in occupational medicine. The expected skills will enable students to deal with professional situations requiring to master a rigorous clinical and scientific approach and lead to optimal decision-making.

The general objectives are described in the teaching profile (see program catalogue – teaching profile)

The specific pedagogical and scientific objectives of the taught subjects are described in the factsheets (see programme catalogue – teaching details).

Courses covered at the time of recruitment :

Master de spécialisation en médecine du travail

  • SAPU-L-8021 – Introduction à la santé au travail – 2 ECTS (Cours magistral 12h)
  • SAPU-L-9026 – Epidémiologie appliquée – 4 ECTS (Cours magistral 30h) – partim AA Epidémiologie industrielle (cours magistral 12h)
  • Cours commun avec le cours ENVI-L-4111 (partim AA Epidémiologie industrielle) du Master en sciences de la santé publique
  • SAPU-L-9011 – Risques en radiations ionisantes et radioprotection – 5 ECTS (Cours magistral:24h)
  • SAPU-L-9024 – Consultation spécialisée du médecin du travail – 3 ECTS (Cours magistral 22h) – partim AA Principes de bases (Cours magistral 16h)

The courses holder will be responsible for coordinating the continuous training of the Specialized Master’s degree in occupational medicine (seminars, company visits, specialist consultations, job studies, internships and dissertations) as being part of a tutoring team.

Bachelier en Médecine : 10 heures de cours magistraux

  • MEDI-G-3605 – Epidémiologie + médecine factuelle + déontologie + médecine générale + santé et environnement + statistiques – 5 ECTS (Cours magistral:67h) – partim Santé et Environnement Cours magistral 10h

Master en Sciences de la Santé publique : 

  • ENVI-L-504 – Toxicologie et contaminants du milieu – 5 ECTS (Cours magistral 24h)
    cours commun avec le Master de spécialisation en médecine du travail

Faculté des sciences de la motricité : 12h de cours magistraux

  • BIME-I4234 – Physiologie cardiorespiratoire des activités physiques et santé – 5 ECTS – M-EDPH (partim : Santé des activités physique en milieu scolaire, loisirs et compétition – 12 h)

To appreciate the detailed content of these courses, the candidate can refer to the course catalogue on the websites of the School of Public Health, the Faculty of Medicine, and the Faculty of Motor Sciences. This teaching load is indicative; it may evolve according to the skills of the candidate or the needs of the programs.

Qualifications required :

Master’s degree in medicine (or equivalent) and Master’s degree in occupational medicine (or equivalent), and a PhD thesis in health sciences or public health

Skills required

  • You have a minimum of 4 years of scientific seniority (the thesis can be included in this period) at the time of appointment. During this period, you have acquired theoretical and operational skills to lead research including the development of epidemiological methods and their application in the context of public health.
    • You can demonstrate substantial post-doctoral experience and an excellent scientific record, including publications in peer-reviewed journals of good quality.
    • Mobility of several months outside the institution where your doctorate was carried out (during or after the doctoral period) will be favorably taken into account in the evaluation of your file.
    • You have skills in occupational health.
    • You have professional experience in occupational medicine.
    • You have skills in public health (environmental health and preventive medicine), toxicology and radiation protection.
    • You have the ability to develop teaching and research projects through national and international collaborations.
    • You have the ability to implement classroom and distance learning courses as well as the coordination of occupational medicine courses and practical and/or continuing education.
    • You have the skills to lead research in the fields of occupational health and public health.
  • You have the ability to develop teaching and research projects in national and international collaboration.
    • If you are not fluent in French (level C1), an adaptation period may be granted, but you must be able to teach in French by the end of the third year following your appointment.


Further information on research and teaching can be obtained from Ms Catherine BOULAND (President of the School of Public Health; telephone: +32 2 555.40.20 – e-mail: catherine.bouland@ulb.be).  Concerning the administrative aspects, information can be obtained from Mrs Joëlle HERZET (phone: +32 2 555.40.21 – e-mail: joelle.herzet@ulb.be)

Applications must be sent by e-mail to the rectorate of the Université Libre de Bruxelles (rectrice@ulb.be) and to the faculty deanship (presidence.esp@ulb.be).

They must include the following :

  • an application letter
  • a Curriculum vitae including a list of publications :
    if you want you can complete a standard form via our website at https://www.ulb.be/fr/documents-officiels/completer-votre-cv-en-ligne.  Once completed, it must be downloaded and attached to the application file.
  • a 7,000-character report (4 pages) presenting the applicant’s research activities and a research project, including how these will integrate into ULB’s research teams
  • a teaching dossier including a 7,000-character report (4 pages) on the applicant’s previous teaching activities and a teaching project for the first five years in this position; these must be relevant to the faculty and to the teaching profiles for the programs to which the applicant is to contribute
  • a note on the applicant’s international achievements and projects (no more than 4 pages)
  • the names and e-mail addresses of five referees (respecting the gender balance) who may be contacted by those in charge of evaluating applications.  These referees should not have conflicts of interest because of family or emotional ties.

The appointment to the academic staff of ULB is made at ”Chargé de Cours” level. As of their appointment, members of academic staff are authorized to use the honorary title of ”Professeur”.

Equal opportunities policy

ULB’s personnel management policy is geared towards diversity and equal opportunities.

We recruit candidates on the basis of their skills, irrespective of age, gender, sexual orientation, origin, nationality, beliefs, disability, etc.

Would you like to be provided with reasonable accommodation in the selection procedure because of a disability, disorder, or illness?  Please contact Marie Botty, the person in charge of diversity aspects for the academic and scientific staff (marie.botty@ulb.be). Be assured of the confidentiality of this information.

More details on the ULB gender and diversity policy are available at https://www.ulb.be/en/about-ulb/gender-equality-at-ulb.

You will find all the regulations relating to academic careers on our site at http://www.ulb.ac.be/emploi/academique.html.

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