PhD Positions in Biomedical Machine Learning and Data Science

The Munich School for Data Science (MUDS) is calling for applications for PhD positions within its biomedicine track MUDS-Health. MUDS is a local effort to bring together research and education on the graduate level across Munich. It is a joint initiative of Helmholtz Munich, the Max Planck Institute of Plasma Physics, and the German Aerospace Center with the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München and the Technical University of Munich.

MUDS-Health offers fully-funded PhD positions for students with a background in computational biology, machine learning, data science, or biomedical sciences and a strong interest in training at the interface of data science and biomedicine. Methodologically, projects cover a broad range of topics, from data analytics with deep learning algorithms, over data integration of multi-layer omics measurements to data-related topics such as uncertainty quantification and biological process modeling. The primary field of application is biomedicine including single cell biology, genomics and epigenetics, biomedical image processing and personalized medicine (for a list of supervisors and topics see here We offer joint projects designed by two supervisors, a domain-specific application expert and a methodological expert, ensuring excellent methodological and domain-specific education. Consequently, a MUDS-Health student will learn to

  • (i) develop and adapt state-of-the-art methods in machine learning and data science and
  • (ii) apply tools and acquired knowledge to biomedical questions.

Research will be accompanied by workshops, summer schools and events, access to the HELENA (add link) PhD program, as well as an optional international lab research stay, enabling our students to become the outstanding data scientists of tomorrow.

The application deadline is June 18, 2020.

For more information, please visit our website. Apply now by using the ‘Apply’ button.

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