iNAMES – a newly established German-Israeli Helmholtz International Research School for Imaging from the NAno to the MESo, a joint effort of the Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine; the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel; the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and the Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin invites applicants for the PhD positions.
To alleviate the surging incidence of the world’s deadliest diseases, the development of new strategies for early detection and treatment is of utmost relevance. This can only proceed by deepening our understanding of the underlying molecular mechanisms and pathophysiological processes, calling in turn for new ways to visualize complex biological systems and to image disease states at various length- and time-scales.
If you are enthusiastic and passionate about tackling these challenges, join us!
What are we offering?
• Excellent scientific, international, collaborative and inclusive environment
• Research visits and exchange stays at our partner institutions abroad
• Individual PhD supervision and dual mentoring
• Advanced scientific, research methods and training opportunities
• Access to state-of-the-art infrastructure and core facilities
• Regular lectures, journal clubs and seminar series
• Framework program for personal and career development
• Annual symposia and research winter/summer schools
• Participation in PhD retreats and networking social events
• Travel grants for external courses and conferences
Berlin is one of the most vibrant cities located in the heart of Europe. It offers an incredible load of entertainment, cultural and recreational activities. The MDC is situated at two locations in Berlin: The majority of infrastructure is located on Campus Berlin-Buch, a modern science and biotechnology park with a clear focus on biomedicine, while the laboratories and offices of the Berlin Institute for Medical Systems Biology (MDC–BIMSB) are located on Campus Berlin-Mitte. Our family-friendly campus offers services to support the compatibility of work and family life, such as campus kindergarten or fully equipped parent-child room. Join our community of 400 international PhD students and enjoy studying and living in Germany!
Who are we looking for?
• You are an enthusiastic student with a strong interest in life sciences, with emphasis on imaging and data science
• Your degree is in physics, mathematics, computer science, data science, biophysics (biomedical) engineering, biology, bioinformatics, molecular medicine or a related field
• You hold or expect to obtain a Master´s degree not later than February 2021
How to apply? Via MDC online recruitment portalApplications via email can unfortunately not be accepted.
Application deadline: July 06, 2020.
After submission of your application, you will receive an automatic email confirming that your application has been received. To be eligible for review, your application must be submitted before the application deadline.
MDC adheres to principles of responsible research, good scientific practice, openness and transparency, and is committed to setting a good example as a scientific environment where scientists can flourish and grow, independently of their national or ethnic background, functional variation, sex/gender identity/alignment/orientation, family configuration, or other such feature of their persons or contexts. Applications from women are explicitly encouraged. Severely disabled persons will be given preferential treatment in the case of equal qualification. The MDC is an equal opportunity employer and supports gender equality.