Post-Doctoral Positions – Development of next-generation Single-molecule detection and Super-resolution Optical Imaging Techniques

The Pertsinidis lab in the Structural Biology Program of the Sloan Kettering Institute at MSKCC has immediate openings for postdoctoral associates.

A major focus in our lab is developing cutting-edge single-molecule detection and super-resolution optical imaging techniques. We further apply the tools developed to visualize and understand some of the most fundamental biological processes that power cellular life. For example, our lab has developed modulation interferometry, a single-molecule localization-based super-resolution technique with 1-2 nm 3D precision and target-locking 3D STED nanoscopy, a technique that for the first time achieves single-molecule detection at high background, inside crowded intracellular environments. These tools enabled some of the highest resolution single-molecule studies of transcription, including the first super-resolution imaging of RNA Polymerase II and regulatory factors at single gene loci in live cells (e.g. Wang et al. Cell 2016; Li et al., Cell 2019).

The successful applicants will be integrated in an interdisciplinary team of physical and biological scientists. Our goal is to now develop next-generation of low-background, non-invasive and photon-efficient techniques that will further enhance our ability to visualize key biological processes in live cells with single-molecule sensitivity, (sub)-millisecond temporal and (sub)-nanometer 3D spatial resolution. Of equal importance is to further extend our capabilities of extracting high-resolution information from weak signals in optically inhomogeneous, thick, multi-cellular environments, such as tissue explants, 3D organoids and the developing embryo.

Requirements: • Desire to tackle outstanding challenges in optics, microscopy and/or single-molecule biology • Ph.D. degree in Optics, Optical Engineering, AMO, Physics, Biophysics or a relevant scientific or engineering field. • Ability to work effectively in a collaborative, multidisciplinary environment.

Experience with single-molecule detection instrumentation and high/super-resolution optical imaging (e.g. STED, 4Pi, MINFLUXSIMLLS/SPIM approaches, Adaptive Optics, etc.) is preferred but not required. Individuals with additional working knowledge in areas of biochemistry, molecular, cell and developmental biology and/or genetics are strongly encouraged to apply. Please send a CV, names and contact information of three references, and a short description of scientific interests to Dr. Alexandros Pertsinidis (

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