Apply for Brunei Darussalam University Research Doctorate (Fully Funded)

The UBD Graduate Research Fellowship (UGRS) is a competitive program awarded to quality doctoral students with a strong desire to work in an international and competitive research-intensive environment. UBD is committed to opening doors for the brightest students to work and network with our researchers in order to enrich their experience and equip them with the skills needed to maximize their talents.


  • Has a master’s degree and at least a good second higher diploma in a relevant field recognized by the UBD Senate. For applicants without a master’s degree, a first-class degree in a relevant field recognized by the UBD Senate is required.
  • Able to demonstrate fluency in English
  • A high-quality, impactful research proposal capable of demonstrating a good academic background.
  • Able to pursue studies in the field of his choice.


  • Tuition fees, including registration and acceptance fees at Universiti Brunei Darussalam, will be waived.
  • A living allowance of Brunei $ 1,500 per month for 36 months.
  • For applicants not residing in Brunei Darussalam, an inbound and outbound economy class return air ticket will be provided, from (upon acceptance of the scholarship) and back to the home country (upon end of studies).
  • Grants for field research (Brunei $ 3,000 for doctoral students in science and Brunei $ 1,000 for doctoral students in arts and humanities).
  • Visa fees will be included in the scholarship for applicants.

The request can be made with an admission request through our  Online Admission System (OASys) webpage

UBD will prioritize funding for high impact research under UBD and Brunei priorities including (but not limited to):

UBD research axes

UBD research groups




Sensor technology

Data analysis


asian studies

Herbal medicine

Islamic studies

International comparative education

Priority areas of research of the faculty / institute / center

Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences


History and international studies
Design and creative studies
English literature
Sociology and Anthropology
Professional communication and media
English language and linguistics
Geography, environment and development studies
Malay language and linguistics
Malay literature


Faculty of Integrated Technologies


Biomedical and bone tissue engineering
Solid oxide fuel cell for power generation
Machining of metal-matrix composites and Inconel alloys
Deep learning for aircraft performance and trajectory
IoT in water monitoring and evaluation
IoT in agriculture
3D modeling of building thermal profiles for energy efficiency and comfort
Bio-inspired detection technologies
Additive manufacturing techniques (2D / 3D / 4D printing)


Faculty of Sciences


Protection, monitoring and conservation of the environment
Geological studies of Brunei and Southeast Asia
Natural products and new nanotechnologies
Modeling and simulation, artificial intelligence and robotics


School of Business and Economics


Economic and financial development in emerging markets
Islamic Banking and Finance and Empirical Finance
Halal Marketing and Supply Chain Management
Digital Marketing and Digital Business
Sustainable and inclusive growth


Center for Advanced Materials and Energy Sciences


Gas / chemical sensors
Plasmonic technologies: thermochemicals
Design and discovery of materials based on artificial intelligence


Institute of Asian Studies


Asian studies specializing in sociology, anthropology, environmental studies, history and economics


Sultan Omar ‘Ali Saifuddien Center of Islamic Studies


Islamic history and civilization
Islam in Southeast Asia
Islam and Women’s Studies
Islamic jurisprudence and thought
Contemporary Quranic Studies


Academy of Brunei Studies


Malaysian Islamic Monarchy
History / Archeology of Brunei (pre-modern and modern)
International relations of Brunei / Brunei and ASEAN
Brunei Vision 2035
Islam in Brunei
Brunei heritage


Institute of Political Studies


Public policy

  • Social policy
  • Energy and environmental policy and management
Islamic governance
Political Islam


PAPRSB Institute of Health Sciences


Cancer research (including palliative care)
Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases
Medicine and occupational health
Genomics and bioinformatics
Public Health

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