Why Men Who Marry Nurses End Up The Happiest

Nurses are a special breed of people who embody the rare combination of tough and loving.

They know how to handle belligerent patients, gross messes, and still comfort people when they need it. And they’re smart. They’re the kind of person who is a true partner in a relationship and keeps everything moving forward in both of your lives. Nurses are managers, they know how to keep their eye on the big picture while making sure every detail falls into place on time.

In relationships, this plays out like having a partner with super-powers. Nurses push everyone they love to be the best that they can be. They deal with patients who quit and they want to ensure their loved ones have a better life than that. They’re fixers who love and support their partners while challenging them to improve and picking up the slack when they need help.

They come with the added bonus of being people who have learned to handle pressure very well. When you deal with life and death situations every day, you realize things normal couples fight about just aren’t a big deal. They aren’t worth throwing daggers over that could have lasting effects on your loved one’s psyche.

Also, nurses are fun. Because they are intimately familiar with the gravity of some situations, they know how to celebrate life while you are living it. They can kick back and enjoy themselves, and they want their partner to do the same.

There’s no other archetype that’s more ideal as a partner than a nurse. They embody the energy of someone who knows everything and has great advice about how to proceed. They understand that it’s okay to fail, but encourage you to do better next time.

As a couple, people who marry nurses are the strongest and happiest. They are real and put-together and full of love. They make everyone who dates them confident about exactly how loved they are.

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