Department of Anatomy, Physiology, and Pharmacology
Applications are invited from qualified individuals for a full time, tenure-track Assistant Professor position in the newly merged Department of Anatomy, Physiology, and Pharmacology (APP) at the University of Saskatchewan to begin January 1, 2021. (
Applicants must have a PhD degree and post-doctoral experience with a research focus in skeletal biology. Specifically, the successful applicant will have a CIHR-fundable skeletal research program with a human and/or animal model disease focus, preferably studying involvement and/or therapeutic application of stem cells, to address pressing skeletal health issues in Canada, such as osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, congenital birth defects, or tissue regeneration. The ability to establish an iPSC program in APP is desirable and would enable eligibility for funding opportunities from the Stem Cell Network and other stem cell-focused competitions. Collaborations with the U of S Western College of Veterinary Medicine ( can provide a tremendous resource for translating research, such as skeletal tissue engineering approaches, to preclinical, large animal models. Also, the candidate would be joining a campus-wide musculoskeletal group with considerable strengths employing imaging modalities for research and clinics (e.g., micro-CT, MRI, HR-pQCT, and PET-micro-CT). Importantly, our campus is privileged to have the only synchrotron in Canada, the Canadian Light Source (, so we welcome a colleague that might bolster APP as leaders in synchrotron imaging. As such, the successful applicant can dovetail their research with the university’s One Health and Synchrotron Sciences research priorities ( Facilitated by our standing collaborations with members of Orthopaedic Surgery and Medical Imaging in our college, Mechanical Engineering and Biomedical Engineering in the College of Engineering, and the Colleges of Dentistry and Kinesiology, the recruited individual would complement a research strength of our department with a clinical focus, preferably incorporating stem cell biology. The successful applicant also will be expected to teach, supervise, and mentor students at undergraduate and graduate levels, so evidence of strong instructional skills and experience is an asset.
The U of S main campus is situated on Treaty 6 Territory and the Homeland of the Metis. The University of Saskatchewan is located in Saskatoon, SK, a city with a diverse and thriving economic base, a vibrant arts community and a full range of leisure opportunities. The University has a reputation for excellence in teaching, research and scholarly activities and offers a full range of undergraduate, graduate, and professional programs to a student population of over 24,000.
The salary band for an Assistant Professor Position is from $96,301 to $115,723. This position includes a comprehensive benefits package which includes a dental, health and extended vision care plan; pension plan, life insurance (compulsory and voluntary), academic long term disability, sick leave, travel insurance, death benefits, an employee assistance program, a professional expense allowance, and a flexible health and wellness spending program.
The Department of Anatomy, Physiology, and Pharmacology, the College of Medicine, and the University of Saskatchewan are committed to equity, diversity and inclusion, and Indigenous Engagement. In working towards our goal of increased diversity in the Department of APP, we especially encourage applications from women and Indigenous peoples, and preference may be given to qualified applicants from these groups. We value all forms of representation and welcome applications from any individual who feels they can contribute to the broader diversity of our department. This reasonable and justifiable measure has been implemented pursuant to section 48 of The Saskatchewan Human Rights Code. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadian citizens and permanent residents will be given priority.
Interested candidates must submit via email (refer to Req#6006 in subject line), a cover letter, detailed curriculum vitae, a brief statement of research interests and plans (3 pages or less), a teaching statement (1 page), and contact information for three references.
Incomplete applications will not be considered.
Dr. TE Fisher
Professor and Head, Department of Anatomy, Physiology, and Pharmacology
107 Wiggins Road, Rm GA20.16
Saskatoon, SK Canada S7N 5E5
Telephone: (306) 966-6530
Review of applications will begin October 15, 2020 but applications will be accepted and evaluated until the position is filled. The anticipated start date is January 1, 2021.