The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) has positioned itself as an international university which emphasizes on both teaching and research. Over the years, HKUST has been making strides progressively in education, research, knowledge transfer, and community services. Leveraging on the academic leadership in higher education and impending development of China’s innovation-driven Greater Bay Area (GBA), HKUST welcomes the opportunity to establish a new campus in Guangzhou (GZ), the Mainland China. The new campus will synergize with and maintain the same academic standard as that of its Clear Water Bay (CWB) counterpart. The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou) will nurture talent and facilitate collaboration amongst Hong Kong, the Greater Bay Area (GBA) and beyond on education, research and commercialization, while strengthening knowledge transfer to bridge Hong Kong’s gap in high-tech manufacturing.
Thrust of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences (EOAS) is a Department of HKUST (GZ). The aim of the EOAS is to become a leading educational and research entity in the areas of earth surface process, oceanography, atmospheric science, which focuses on interdisciplinary studies of ocean-atmosphere-land interaction in the earth system for the regional sustainable environment and climate change. It covers multidisciplinary study of physical, biogeochemical, watershed hydrological and earth surface sciences in the coupled system of land-sea, sea-ocean and atmosphere-ocean. Appointees are expected to engage in the cutting-edge and innovative scientific research; undertake national-level scientific research projects; and lead the development of disciplines.
Applicants should have a PhD degree in Earth Surface Science, Oceanography, Atmospheric Science, or related field with relevant research and teaching experience in Earth Surface Physical and/or Biogeochemical Science, Hydrology, other disciplines in Oceanography and Atmospheric Sciences.
· For the post of Assistant Professor, applicants should have at least 2 years of post-doctoral experience and strong research track records.
· For post of Associate Professor, applicants should have a strong record of teaching, student supervision and strong record of research and publication.
· For post of Full Professor, applicants should have world-class academic achievements, strong academic leadership and reputation, and an excellent record of research and publication.
Good command of written and spoken English and ability to teach effectively in English are required.
English is the medium of instruction and administration at HKUST campus. HKUST is committed to diversity in recruitment and equal opportunity employment and we strongly encourage suitable candidates of diverse backgrounds to submit their applications.
Remuneration and Conditions of Service
Salary is highly competitive of international standard and will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. Generous research funds, ample laboratory space and excellent research equipment and support will be provided.
All posts are tenure-track Mainland China appointments to be offered by the HKUST Mainland entity in accordance with the local employment laws and regulations. Appointment to Professor rank and some Associate Professor rank will be made on substantive basis while initial appointment to other tenure-track faculty ranks will be made on a fixed-term contract of up to three years commencing the earliest in July/August 2020. Re-appointment thereafter will be subject to performance, mutual agreement and funding availability.
Application Procedure
Applications should be sent to and cc to Prof. Jianping Gan at together with (i) full CV (including education, publications, teaching experience, honor and award, and projects); (ii) a statement of research and teaching, and the career plan for the future; (iii) at least 5 representative academic publications all in PDF formats (in the last 5 years); (iv) record of teaching performance; (v) the names and contact information of three referees; and (vi) three letters of reference. Review of applications will continue until the positions are filled.
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