An appointment as a Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor in food technology is vacant at the Department of Molecular Sciences, SLU, Uppsala. The department has approximately 110 employees and together with two other departments forms an inspiring research
environment at the BioCenter at the Ultuna campus in Uppsala. Here you will find expertise in plant biology, mycology, plant pathology, microbiology, food science, calculation-based genetics, chemistry and biotechnology and competitive infrastructure such as plantgrowing
facilities, advanced microscopy and molecular biology, x-ray and NMR. The department conducts research, teaching and environmental monitoring in the field of inorganic, physical and organic chemistry, biochemistry, natural product chemistry, food
science and microbiology. Visit us at
The position provides ground for own research and research management, with great opportunities to get involved in both applied and more basic projects within SLU’s focus areas, where two priority fields are food quality, safety and health aspects (Sustainable and safe food supply), as well as research on development and application of bio-based materials (Bio-based materials). Innovative technologies that can be applied in the food science field are an important part of the activities.
Subject area
The subject covers food science with a focus on food technology, i.e. how processing, storage and distribution affect the chemical
composition of the food, as well as its physical properties and eating quality.
The position provides room for own research and research management of at least 35%, with great opportunities to become involved in innovative, applied projects within SLU’s activity areas.
The holder is expected to:
• teach as well as develop and lead teaching in the department’s various courses covering food produced from both animal and vegetable raw materials at basic, advanced and research level
• develop and lead successful research in the subject
• develop and maintain national and international networks with researchers, industry, and society in general
• communicate on ongoing research and research results
• actively apply for external research funding
• be able to teach in Swedish within two years.
The applicant must:
• have completed a doctoral degree or have equivalent scientific competence in combination with extensive experience in the subject area of the position
• be scientifically proficient in the subject area of the position
• have a good knowledge of English, as well as experience of teaching in English
• be pedagogically skilled.
Assessment criteria
The assessment criteria for appointment as a Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor will primarily be based on the degree to which the applicant/candidate possesses the required qualifications specified for the position. Good communication and collaboration ability is a
merit, as is good proficiency in Swedish language.
The assessment of scientific skills will consider:
• completed research efforts and ongoing research
• publications in recognized international scientific journals with peer-review
• the ability to independently initiate and conduct innovative research
• experience of applying for and obtaining external research grants.
The assessment of pedagogic skills will consider:
• experience in planning, implementation and evaluation of teaching, as well as evaluation of own teaching
• topic breadth and experience of both animal and plant food
• experience of supervision and examination at doctoral level
• the ability to integrate research and a scientific approach in pedagogical work.
Furthermore, the assessment will consider the applicant’s degree of skills in:
• developing and managing activities and staff at the university
• collaboration with the surrounding society
• communication of results of ongoing research and development work.
Equal attention is devoted to the evaluation of the pedagogical skills as to the examination of the scientific skills.
This position offers the vibrant research climate at SLU. The benefits of the position include Swedish family health care provisions,
parenting support including generous paid leave of absence policies that allow both parents to care for newborns and toddlers.
Additionally Sweden has a well-established pre-school structure as well as an educational system that provides no-cost education through university studies. Uppsala has a rich history and culture and is located in the greater Stockholm region, which is an academic and
cultural hub. Find out more facts and stories about Sweden at
Application deadline
Place of work
Uppsala, Sweden
Form of employment
Permanent employment
Starting date
By agreement.
Use the document Application guidelines for appointment as professor, senior lecturer or associate senior lecturer at SLU as guide when you fill in your application.
Please apply by clicking the apply-button below
Academic union representatives:
The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) develops the understanding and sustainable use and management of biological natural resources. The university ranks well internationally within its subject areas. SLU is a research-intensive university that also offers
unique degree programmes in for example rural development and natural resource management, environmental economics, animal science and landscape architecture. SLU has just over 3,000 employees, 5,000 students and a turnover of SEK 3 billion. The university
has invested heavily in a modern, attractive environment on its campuses in Alnarp, Umeå and Uppsala. SLU is an equal opportunity employer.
Vadim Kessler
Eva Enström
0738-42 17 34