Full Professor or Assistant Professor (with tenure track) of Art History and Museum Studies (100%)

The University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland, invites applications for a position of

Full Professor or Assistant Professor (with tenure track) of Art History and Museum Studies (100%)

Job description: Applicants must hold a doctorate and have a record of high-level publications. They will be able to teach Western Art History from the Renaissance to the 19th century at Bachelor’s and Master’s level, and to teach Master’s courses in the field of museum studies beyond their area of specialization in art history. The professor will be a member of the Institute of Art History and Museum studies at the Faculty of Humanities.

Requirements: The position requires excellent teaching skills as well as knowledge of theory and practice in museum studies and the capacity to develop an international network. Courses will be taught in French. Non-Francophone applicants will be expected to teach in French after a two-year period.

Starting date: August 1st, 2022, or upon agreement.

Application deadline: December 15, 2021.

Applications should be uploaded to www.unine.ch/candis (ref. FLSH-IHAM) in the form of a single pdf file including a motivation letter, a CV documenting full teaching and research experience, a list of publications, copies of diplomas, and a list of three experts able to assess the candidate’s competence. The candidate is also invited to present a statement (three pages max.) of teaching and research interests, his/her scientific vision in the domain and projects that he/she plans to develop in Neuchâtel. Please do not send publications at this point; candidates who are successful in the first round will be asked to provide writing samples.

Information: Further information may be obtained by contacting the Head of the Hiring Committee prof. Pierre Alain Mariaux (pierre-alain.mariaux@unine.ch) or the Dean of the Faculty (decanat.lettres@unine.ch), as well as by visiting the Faculty website at www.unine.ch/iham.

The University of Neuchâtel is committed to providing non-discriminatory working conditions.

Author: jeunes

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