Nomination and Location of the Position
The post concerned is a Professor in Child Psychiatry (50%) and it belongs to PEDEGO Research Unit in the Faculty of Medicine, University of Oulu. Position of Chief Physician in Northern Ostrobothnia Hospital District (Oulu University Hospital) is connected to this post. These two posts are jointly filled and applicants must submit separate applications for both positions in order to be considered.
If the position of the Chief Physician in Northern Ostrobothnia Hospital District can not be jointly filled with the post of Professor in Child Psychiatry, or the Recruiting Committee disagrees about the suitable candidate, recruiting process of Professor in Child Psychiatry in UO becomes void as well.
If the person chosen for the post of Professor in Child Psychiatry resigns from the post of Chief Physician in Northern Ostrobothnia Hospital District, the employment relationship in UO expires as well.
Responsibilities, Required Qualifications and Language Skills
The professor will be a dynamic individual who provides vision, leadership, and guidance in the field of Child Psychiatry.
Qualifications for successful candidate include a doctoral degree, high quality scientific competence, experience in supervising scientific research, ability to give high quality education based on research and supervision of doctoral theses, as well as evidence of international collaboration in his/her field of research and training (see section 33, Universities’ Act).
When assessing the applicant’s merits, issues taken into consideration include scientific publications and other research achievements, teaching experience, pedagogical training and other teaching merits. In addition, the applicant’s activity in the scientific community, practical familiarity and medical specialty in Child Psychiatry, and success in acquiring domestic and international research funding, scientific work abroad and other international activities will be taken into consideration. The duties of a professor are to be responsible for both undergraduate and postgraduate training, and implementation of entrustable professional activities in postgraduate training as part of clinician’s daily work.
The teaching language at the UO is Finnish. Teaching in English is also possible.
Selection Procedure
Applications, together with all relevant enclosures (in English), should be submitted separately to each employer by April 8th, 2020.
For University of Oulu, please apply using the electronic application form (apply button at the end of this application) and Northern Ostrobothnia Hospital District through:
1) A curriculum vitae following the guidelines of the Finnish Advisory Board on Research Integrity (tutkimuseettinen neuvottelukunta). The guidelines are available at
2) list of publications classified as follows:
A. Peer-reviewed scientific articles
Original journal articles, review articles, literature reviews, systematic reviews, sections and chapters in scientific books and conference proceedings etc.
B. Non-refereed scientific articles
Non-refereed journal articles, book sections and non-refereed conference proceedings etc.
C. Publications intended for professional communities
Articles in commercial journal, articles in professional manuals or guides, textbook materials, professional conference proceedings, published development or research reports etc.
Ten (10) most important publications marked in the publication list (e.g. by * or color coding).
3) A brief research vision and action plan (max 3 pages)
4) A brief account of teaching merits or a teaching portfolio and teaching plan (max 3-4 pages)
- Teaching merits of relevance to the post are requested to be present in the form of a teaching portfolio, or a comparable document. Teaching philosophy, teaching strategies and methods
- Teacher’s self-reflection on his/her teaching style, a personal background idea of teaching; how are these reflected in teaching works?
- A description of oneself as a teacher and an implementer of educational work
- Practical experience in teaching and efforts to improve teaching
- Description of educational material (curricula, handouts, assignments, workbooks)
- Professional development as a teacher
- Evaluation of teaching (student evaluations, peer evaluations, awards and assessed test lectures)
- Plans for future directions of teaching in the discipline concerned
Reviewer Assessment
The Dean will nominate a recruiting committee to take care of the evaluation process. The committee includes also members from the Oulu University Hospital. As proposed by the recruiting committee the research council of the university has appointed minimum of two reviewers to be consulted regarding the applicants.
Interview and proposal by the recruitment committee
The recruiting committee analyses the reviewers´ evaluations, interviews the suitable candidates and makes the proposal for the appointment.
The salary will be based on the demand level (8 – 10) chart for teaching and research personnel of the salary system of Finnish Universities. In addition to the basic salary, supplementary salary based on personal achievement and performance, may make a maximum of 50% of the basic salary level for the post.
Official Employment
Based on the proposal by the recruiting committee the Dean will make her proposition to the Vice Rector for Research, who in turn will make the nomination to the post.
Contact information
For further information regarding filling of this post:
Anne Remes, Dean
Faculty of Medicine
University of Oulu
P.O.Box 5000
FIN – 90014 University of Oulu
tel +358-50-5330090
e-mail: anne.remes(at)
Tiina Hurskainen, HR Manager
Faculty of Medicine
University of Oulu
P.O.Box 5000
FIN – 90014 Oulu University
email: tiina.hurskainen(at)
tel. +358-40-7040270
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