Junior professorship (W1) with tenure track (W3) in Translational Pathology of the Digestive Track

The Medical Faculty of Heidelberg announces a

W1 Junior professorship (W1) with tenure track (W3) in Translational Pathology of the Digestive Track

at the Institute of Pathology to be appointed at the earliest. We are looking for a Pathologist or a Natural Scientist with the scientific focus on tissue-related research related to tumors of the upper digestive tract. The candidate should provide a visible scientific profile, including respective publications and the ability to acquire competitive third party funding. Due to the intended integration into the diagnostic service the candidate should be a board certified Pathologist or in the late stage of his/her Pathology training. Alternatively, natural scientists with extensive experience in Molecular Diagnostics can be accepted. The candidate should be able to strengthen the consortional research projects (e.g. SFB/TR209) and scientific focus in Heidelberg in the area of tumor research of the digestive track. A close cooperation with the National Center for Tumor Diseases (NCT) and the German Center for Cancer Research (DKFZ) is equally expected as well as experience in student education and integration into the HeiCuMed Curriculum of the Medical Faculty. In accordance with Section 51 Landeshochschulgesetz Baden-Wuerttemberg (the Baden-Wuerttemberg State Higher Education Act), this appointment requires a completed degree, an excellent doctorate, and pedagogical aptitude which has generally been proven through teaching experience. The professorship is a qualification position. If you spent time employed as a research assistant (before or after your doctorate), this employment and the period of your doctoral studies combined should not exceed six years.

Tenure Track Professorships (salary grade W1) at Heidelberg university will initially be limited to six years in general and, following a positive tenure evaluation, will be converted to a permanent W3 professorship. Provided that the general legal (German civil service law) and budgetary regulations are fulfilled, it is intended that the employment will have civil service status. The evaluation statute can be downloaded from the homepage of the Human Resources Division (http://www.uni-heidelberg.de/tenuretrack).

This professorship is funded by the Tenure Track Programme of the German Federal Government and the Federal States.

The university aims to increase the number of women in areas in which they have been underrepresented in until now. Qualified female academics are especially invited to apply. Preference will be given to disabled applicants who are otherwise equally qualified for the position.

Please address your application to Prof. Dr. H.-G. Kräusslich, Dean of the Medical Faculty of Heidelberg, Im Neuenheimer Feld 672, 69120 Heidelberg, and submit all required documents in electronic form until 25th of September 2020 by following the guidelines of the Medical Faculty at www.medizinische-fakultaet-hd.uni-heidelberg.de/professur.

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