Tenure-Track Assistant Professors at Center for Infectious Disease Research, Westlake University, China

Westlake University, a non-profit private university in China, is recruiting Tenure-track Assistant Professors in the newly established Center for Infectious Disease Research (CIDR).

We are seeking outstanding scientists to lead vigorous independent research programs focusing on the biology, pathogenesis, immunology, vaccinology, and drug discovery for infectious diseases caused by human and veterinary viruses and bacteria. Applicants must have an M.D., Ph.D., or an equivalent degree, and have extensive postdoctoral experience and strong publication records demonstrating creativity and productivity. Ideal candidates should have expertise in virology, bacteriology, immunology, vaccinology, or drug discovery. Successful applicants are expected to develop exciting research programs that include basic and translational research on medically relevant pathogens.

Westlake University has state-of-the-art core facilities and a stimulating academic environment that fosters interdisciplinary collaborations between outstanding investigators from School of Life Sciences, School of Science, and School of Engineering. Internationally competitive salary and startup packages will be provided.

Applicants should submit curriculum vitae (CV), research statement (three-page limit), and three recommendation letters (sent directly from the referees). All application materials should be submitted via http://apply.interfolio.com/78081. Completed applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis starting on September 15, 2020, and will be accepted until the positions are filled.

Contact Information: cidrhr@westlake.edu.cn

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