Beahrs Environmental Leadership Program (ELP) at the UC Berkeley


The 2020 Beahrs ELP application has three scholarship review periods:

  • The deadline for the first round of scholarship review is November 27, 2019.
  • The deadline for the second round of scholarship review is December 27, 2019.
  • The deadline for the final round of scholarship review is January 27, 2020.



(Partially Funded)


Beahrs Environmental Leadership Program (ELP)

The Beahrs Environmental Leadership Program (ELP) at the University of California, Berkeley, offers a unique learning opportunity for mid-career practitioners and decision-makers to broaden their knowledge and perspectives on environmental and natural resource science, policy, management, and leadership.

More Details

Through exposure to innovative sustainability approaches and dialogue, ELP participants develop the tools and skills necessary to meet environmental goals that also reduce poverty and social conflict. The ELP also supports post-training conservation and sustainable development collaborative projects with alumni, their organizations and the UC Berkeley community of faculty, staff, and students.

There are 8 workshop topics:

  1. Policies for sustainable development
  2. Leadership for collaborative change
  3. Environmental economics
  4. Impact assessment and quantitative analysis
  5. Behavior change
  6. Resources and sustainable livelihoods
  7. Mitigation of and adaptation to climate change
  8. Sustainable business practices

learn more about our workshop topics


  • UC Berkeley certificate in Sustainable Environmental Management.
  • Enhanced capacity to develop solutions that balanceenvironmental, economic, and social equity objectives.
  • Strengthened skills for communicating ideas, facilitatingmulti-stakeholder processes, and leading social change
  • Lifetime membership in the world-wide Berkeley ELP Alumni Network

Opportunity Focus Areas:

  • Environmental Science
  • Environmental Design
  • Business
  • Natural Resource Science
  • Resource Economics
  • Policy
  • Project management
  • Management
  • Leadership
  • Agricultural
  • Finance
  • Communications

Required Languages


Eligible Countries


Program Period

The 2020 three-week summer certificate course in Sustainable Environmental Management will be from July 18 – August 7, 2020.

Eligibility Requirements (Criteria)

  • Proficiency in English to allow full participation in course discussions.
  • A resumé that demonstrates strong professional experience and leadership potential
  • Affiliation with an institution concerned with environmental management/sustainable development.
  • Leaders working on sustainable agriculture and food systems, natural resource management, environmental policy, climate change and community-based development.

Opportunity Cost

(Partially Funded)

Scholarship covers:

  • The course fee is US$8,000. This fee covers the costs of instruction, housing, most meals, course materials, field trips, certificate, and health insurance if needed.
  • The  scholarships range between $1000 and $3000, and are offered based on a combination of merit and need, and availability of funds.

Scholarship does not covers:

  • Participants are responsible for their own travel arrangements and for covering approximately US$400 in additional meals and incidentals.
  • visa application fee (about $140),
  • airport transportation ($40 average each way), but the range is $8-120 each way); we will suggest various local options
  • travel insurance if desired. You can apply for a partial scholarship through the application form.
  • In regards to financial support, we strongly recommend that all applicants to the program seek funding from both their organizations and outside sources before and alongside your application to the ELP, as funding can be a challenge for applicants. If you are selected as a candidate for the course, we will also try to work with you to apply for outside funding sources.

How to Apply

First Step: Applicants must download the application form and complete it, Candidates then may submit the application via email

Second Step: Please apply online 

Complete applications include ALL of the following: submitted and signed Application answering ALL questions and forms, resume or curriculum vitae, and a signed reference letter.

Third Step: Signed reference letters must be submitted by email to and must arrive no later than one week after the application deadline (Reference letters should detail both the applicant’s professional and leadership experience, and potential benefits of the ELP training and network to his/her organization.)

*Applications will be considered incomplete and ineligible without reference letters.

Apply Now

More Details

Know more about this opportunity:

Official Website

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