International Excellence in the Humanities Programme – Call for applications – Post-doctoral fellowships 2024-2026

Job Information

Université Grenoble Alpes
Research Field
Political sciences
Ethics in social sciences
Researcher Profile
First Stage Researcher (R1)
Application Deadline
Type of Contract
Not Applicable
Job Status
Offer Starting Date
Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?
Not funded by an EU programme
Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?

Offer Description

The Maison de la Création et de l’Innovation (MaCI), UGA’s International Center for the Humanities, is launching its annual Post-doctoral Fellowship Programme funded by the France 2030 ANR project GATES (Grenoble ATtractiveness and ExcellenceS).
The MaCI is an on-campus research center for the arts, humanities and social sciences. It stands out as a 5,000 square metre cutting-edge laboratory for experiential and experimental research with state of the art facilities for the arts, performance studies, architecture, urban studies, multimedia (sound, video), cinema, design thinking, health and humanities, environmental humanities, mountain studies, digital humanities and creative writing. The MaCI along with its other cultural partners can support a wide range of research practices.

The International Excellence in the Humanities Fellowship Programme promotes academic diversity and interdisciplinarity and welcomes researchers with an international background to apply for post-doctoral fellowships at the MaCI.

This programme is built in association with the following international partners:

• University of Oxford
• Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
• University of British Columbia (UBC)
• Stanford University
• Swansea University

We offer 3 two-year post-doctoral fellowships in the arts, humanities and social sciences. The postdoctoral felowships can start anytime between 15 September 2024 and 1 December 2024.


Research Field
Education Level
PhD or equivalent
Specific Requirements

The International Excellence in the Humanities Programme is part of UGA’s ambition to develop cutting-edge international research in the arts, the humanities and social sciences by funding innovative and original projects.

Post-doctoral candidates who, in their project, will explain how they will make use of the MaCI’s facilities and equipments as well as how they will participate actively in the MaCI’s labs and platforms and interact with ongoing research programmes are particularly welcome.

Post-doctoral candidates from all disciplines in the arts, humanities and social sciences and from all countries can apply. They must:
• have successfully completed their doctorate (Ph.D., D.Phil, C.Sc. or equivalent) when they submit their application,
• give proof of academic distinction by providing a list of peer-reviewed publications in internationally referenced journals and/or media,
• have an international academic background or research experience (i.e. degree(s) from a university abroad and/or long term research project abroad).

Additional Information


The postdoctoral fellows will be hired on a fixed-term two-year contract.

They will receive a gross salary of 2930 euros per month.

Please note that, if selected, the fellows are responsible for applying for the proper visa and will have to cover travel expenses to and from their country of residence.

The MaCI will support the fellows by providing:
• if required, the opportunity to apply for additional financial support for research activities or short trips (for an approximate amount of 5000 euros per fellow),
• access to all of the MaCI’s facilities (workspaces, studios, labs, conference rooms, computer rooms, resources and archive centre, Live Arts Lab, UX Lab, SonImage, Domus, etc…). For more details see:
• an office space with a computer at the MaCI’s Humanities Fellowship Center, internet access, access to the Fellows’ Lounge (for tea or coffee), to the meeting room, to shared working spaces, access to printing facilities and to all the university libraries,
• assistance to establish contacts with UGA researchers before their arrival,
• assistance to organize meetings, seminars, conferences and other research activities which will allow the fellows to fully participate in the life of the scientific community,
• the necessary advice and guidelines to help the fellows and their family organize their stay in Grenoble (housing, transportation, cultural and sporting activities…),
• a programme of visits and events.
The post-doctoral fellows will be recruited for a full-time residence at the MaCI, with the exception of weekends, public holidays and periods when the university is closed. The fellowship can also include one or two research trips abroad but for a period of no more than a month per year. During the two-year fellowship, a variety of research activities will be organized by the MaCI. The post-doctoral fellows will be invited and strongly encouraged to participate.

Eligibility criteria

Completed applications in English will consist of the following documents:

• The application form (please download by clicking on this link),
• Proof of ID (passport, identity card),
• A copy of the PhD degree certificate (diploma or proof of completion),
• A CV (5 pages maximum),
• A list of publications, articles, awards and prizes,
• A description of the candidate’s research project (5 pages maximum),
• A timeline of the planned research activities and technical requirements,
• A letter of support from an UGA academic member (must be sent directly by email).

Selection process

Applications will be evaluated and preselected applicants interviewed by an international scientific committee composed of 12 members including the president of the Academic Board, the director of the MaCI, the vice-president for research in the humanities and social sciences, two members in charge of the programme’s international partnerships, both directors of research divisions in the arts, humanities, and social sciences and five representatives of the programme’s international partners.

Each project will be assessed according to the following criteria:
• Academic excellence
• Quality and impact of the project
• International dimension
• Feasibility

Website for additional job details

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