Vienna BioCenter phD program

At the Vienna BioCenter (VBC), we want to foster a world-class scientific environment where PhD students thrive and excel. The goal of the Vienna BioCenter PhD program is to train rigorous and independent scientists through a comprehensive training program.

The program encourages students to contribute positively to the advancement of science by making and publishing important scientific discoveries. The training program will allow students to acquire scientific skills, important for a scientific career, but also for other professional paths.

About. 70 teacher-researchers participate in our doctoral school and the research themes are very varied. Find out about all the PIs and the areas they work in at BioCenter Vienna  here   and why not take a look at where you would work on our virtual campus tour  here  .

There are two calls each year which open in March and September respectively and the number of positions varies from call to call. Here you will find all the information you need to submit a successful application to one of the most successful programs in Europe. We are happy to answer your questions, but please check the  Frequently Asked Questions tab first.

Virtual Open Day

We will host a virtual open house/information session on March 18 (1500 CET Vienna time) to answer your questions and provide information about our campus. If you want to participate, register  HERE

How to register

To apply for our program, you must have the following:
  • Completed application form submitted by the relevant deadline.
  • A Masters degree or equivalent (1st class BA Hons or BSc Hons) or anticipate receipt prior to enrolment.
  • Research experience in a relevant scientific field (we recommend 6 months of full-time experience).
  • Provide full contact details for two referees, at least one of whom should have supervised you on a research project.
  • Have a high level of spoken and written English. 
  • The language of the program is English throughout. Fluency in English is therefore required. Formal proof of English proficiency (IELTS, CPE or TOEFL) is recommended but not required.
  • Candidates holding a non-European master’s degree.
  • Applicants who do not hold a Masters or equivalent from a European university will be asked to provide GPA scores.
The online application form has three parts:
  1. Part 1: You will be asked for your personal information and the information of 2-3 referees. After submitting this information, you will be emailed a link to edit Part 2 of the application.
  2. Part 2: contains questions about your education, research experience and research interests. Using the link provided, you can save and edit your data as many times as you want until you click submit.
  3. Part 3: You will receive a questionnaire which should take you about an hour to complete. This link is provided separately because once you start answering the questions you must complete it (These tests have been developed by a team of experts, following extensive research showing that personality testing combined with cognitive assessment are the best way to assess potential).

Notes :

  • Online applications will be reviewed by our faculty and the best candidates will be shortlisted.
  • If there is anything we need to clarify, we can contact you via skype.
  • We typically invite around 70 applicants for interviews.

Acceptance of applications – Call closes April 15 at 2359 (CET)

Apply here

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