Doctoral Programme in Industrial Innovation 37th cycle The Call is OPEN

Admission requirements and topics

The requirements and application procedure are detailed in the PhD Call (see the “Downloads” area on the right). Only the Italian version of the PhD Call is legally binding.
To participate in the PhD Call, applicants must have an academic degree which grants access to a third level education programme (PhD) in the country it was issued. In particular, applications are accepted from applicants who hold:

♦  an Italian “Laurea magistrale” instituted in conformity with Italian Ministerial Decree 270/2004, or
♦  a university degree of the previous regulations (Italian “Laurea specialistica ” or “Diploma di Laurea”), or
♦  an equivalent degree obtained abroad (Master’s degree) and recognized as equivalent to the Italian “Laurea magistrale” by the Admissions Committee for the sole purposes of admission to the Doctoral programme, also within the framework of mobility and cooperation inter-university agreements.

Applications are also accepted from students who expect to complete their degree by 31 October 2020.
The selection is based on the evaluation of the applicant’s titles and qualifications.

Deadline: 25 August 2021, 16:00 (Italian time, GMT +2)

The application must be sent online at Applications sent by other means are not accepted.

To obtain an account at the University of Trento, register at It is strongly recommended not to wait until the last few days prior to the deadline to submit your application.
After completing and sending the application, please make sure to receive an email notification confirming the definitive completion of the application procedure.

Applicants may also opt for additional scholarships and positions reserved to employees of partner companies, which will be available AFTER the publication of this call and published on the selection website.


The applicants who will have the application open after the publication of additional scholarships or positions reserved to employees of partner companies can apply for those scholarships by using the entry “Other” in the proper section of the application online.

The applicants who will have already closed and sent the application before the publication of additional scholarships or positions reserved to employees of partner companies can apply for those scholarships by an additional application available at only from August 26 to September 2, 2021, at 04:00 PM (GMT +2) Italian time. Please use the same credentials of the main application.

The list below provides a short non-exhaustive summary of what to upload on the application:

♦  scanned copy of the applicant’s ID or passport
♦  M.A. degree transcript of records and diploma
♦  Curriculum Vitae
♦  Master’s thesis abstract
♦  Motivation letter
♦  Research Proposal
♦  Certificate attesting the knowledge of English language at B1 level

The application is subject to €15 non-refundable fee.


Funding Body N. 

Research topic


Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) and Fonderie Ariotti S.p.A. 1

A – Designing against failures resulting from static and time-varying loading in thick-walled components made of ductile cast iron

see more
Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per le Telecomunicazioni (CNIT) and Athonet S.r.l. 1

B – Automated Configuration and Orchestration of Beyond-5G Mobile Core Networks

see more
Sinapsi S.r.l 1

C – AI4Energy:Towards a new generation of AI-driven recommendation tools for the energy market

see more
FBK-Roche S.p.A. 1

D – Application of natural language processing technologies to clinical cases

see more
FBK-UFI Innovation Center S.r.l. 1 E – Development of a novel membrane based on anionic exchange for use in the electrolysis process see more
FBK-Enphos S.r.l. 1 F – Study of Anion exchange membrane electrolyzers: improvements of the performance with the use of innovative functional materials see more
Adige S.p.A. 1 G – Ontology-driven support to fault diagnosis of manufacturing machines based on service mail flows and repair records see more
FBK-SNAM S.p.A. 1 H – Investigation of the direct ammonia synthesis and its utilization in reversible HT cells see more
FBK-MindEarth 1 I – Deep Learning for Understanding Visual Scenes – additional (published on 27/07/2021) see more
FBK-MindEarth 1 J – Using Satellite Imagery and Deep Learning for Understanding Socio-Economic Development – additional (published on 27/07/2021) see more
Athonet S.r.l. 1

K – 3GPP Edge Observability and Scalability – additional (published on 30/07/2021)

see more

All above scholarships are subject to acceptance of the full transfer of the ownership of the intellectual property of the research results.

Positions without scholarship, reserved to employees of partner companies (working on highly qualified research activities):


Research Topic

COSMAN S.r.l. 1

AE – Machine Learning and artificial Intelligence techniques applied to Up-to-date procurement and supply-chain methodologies for Digital Cost Management cost management

see more
MAVTech S.r.l. 1

BE – Development of innovative digi-tech solutions for smart farming

see more
SoftJam S.p.A. 1

CE – Interpretation of very large-scale conversational data

see more
Huawei Technology Duesseldorf GbmH 1

DE – IoT and Cloud Data security including: (1) Situation Aware, Dynamic Authorization Automotive, (2) Data-centric usage control policies for sovereign data exchange, (3) Bridging federated and decentralized identity – additional (published on 08/07/2021)

see more
ETC Sustainable Solutions S.r.l. 1

EE – Machine Learning Methods for Wastewater Plant Monitoring – additional (published on 14/07/2021)

see more
Iveco Defence Vehicles S.p.A. 1

FE – Electronic architecture and applications for enhanced vehicle control – additional (published on 29/07/2021)

see more

Author: jeunes

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