Due to the inability to hold events on site during the summer of 2021, we are informing you of the transfer of the student program to a more favorable period. The organizing committee plans to launch the application process in May 2021, so that students can come to Dubna in November 2021-February 2022.
We invite students to participate in the INTEREST online program (website – interest.jinr.ru), which involves remote work on research projects under the guidance of JINR staff.
Objective of the program
The main objective of the JINR student program is to attract graduate students on a competitive basis to the scientific groups of the Institute that implement the main JINR research projects.
Program dates
The student program at JINR is organized in the form of student research projects in scientific groups and generally lasts 4 to 8 weeks during the period from June to October of each calendar year.
Program participants
Program participants can be students completing the third or fourth year of bachelor’s degree, master’s students, or doctoral students enrolled in the first year of graduate studies.
Application procedure
medjouel.com informs you that To participate in the selection competition, you must:
- register on the program’s web page indicating all the necessary contact details;
- complete the request form.
Recommendations to applicants
When applying for the program, it is necessary to indicate the contacts of a single reference person. The program committee will send a link to the candidate’s profile to the contact person’s address with a request for a recommendation letter to be drafted for a potential program participant. Each applicant will be required to provide a letter of recommendation to submit to the Program Committee. Reference persons may be university professors who train the applicants or representatives of scientific organizations from JINR Member States who know the applicants.
Selection of participants
Upon receipt of the application forms and letters of recommendation, the program committee will select the participants for the current year. Upon publication of the list of participants and agreement on the conditions of stay at JINR for each participant, the program committee sends the selected students and postgraduates an official invitation to participate in the program.
Admission of applications closes on 2021-07-31 00:00
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