NED Reagan-Fascell Democracy Scholarships in USA for Developing Countries (Fully Funded)

Located within the framework of the NED International Forum for Democratic Studies, the program provides a rich intellectual framework for educational exchange and professional development. During their stay, the comrades reflect on their experiences; Engage with peers; Conduct research and writing; Review best practices and lessons learned; And develop professional relationships within a global network of democracy advocates.

English language eligibility is required.

Eligibility differs depending on the Track that an interested candidate may belong to:

AT). Participant stream:

Applicants interested in the practitioner track should have substantial practical experience in promoting democracy or human rights in their country of origin or interest. There are no specific degree requirements for the practitioner track. Applicants to the practitioner path are usually mid-term professionals with several years of professional experience in the field of democracy and human rights.

Examples of eligible candidates for the practitioner track include human rights defenders, lawyers, journalists, union leaders, political party activists, diplomats, professional staff from civic or humanitarian organizations and other civil society professionals from developing and aspiring democracies.

B). Scholarly way:

Applicants interested in the academic track should have a doctorate (a doctorate or an academic equivalent) at the time of application, have a proven record of publications in their field and have developed a detailed research description of their scholarship project.

Examples of eligible candidates for the school track include university professors, researchers, journalists and other writers from developing and aspiring democracies. Distinguished scholars from the United States or other established democracies are also eligible. Sometimes a professional who intends to write a book or other scholarly publication may be eligible to apply on the school track.

Note  :
The  Reagan-Fascell Democracy Fellows Program  does not grant scholarships, loans or any other type of financial aid to university students , graduate students or postdoctoral researchers . In addition, our scholarship program is not an education or training program leading to a university degree.

Eligible groups
Citizens of developing countries in Africa, Asia, Eurasia, Latin America and the Middle East

Participating institutions
International Forum for Democratic Studies, National Endowment for Democracy (NED), Washington, DC, United States

Sponsorship Duration
The  Fellows Reagan-Fascell Democracy Program  offers five-month fellowships – Fall 2018 (October 1, 2018-February 28,

Method of application
Applications must be made online. There are five steps to the online application process:

  • Step 1: Information about the applicant
  • Step 2: Project proposal for the practitioner track or for the school track
  • Step 3: letters of recommendation
  • Step 4: CV / CV and biography
  • Step 5: certification

The online application system will allow you to start working on an application, save your progress, and return later to complete the remaining application components  It is recommended that you save your work at all times. You can complete step 1 (Applicant information) at any time of the year. However, you will not be able to proceed to Steps 2, 3, 4 and 5 during the official application season (June-October).

It is important to read the Submit Your Application page carefully   and visit the official website (link below) for complete information on how to apply for this scholarship program.
Applications begin on June 1 and late October each year. The deadline for submitting a quote request is  October 15,

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