outstanding young researchers of any discipline with two or more years research experience as Postdoc
Researchers should be given the long-term and extensive financial security to plan their research and to build up or consolidate their own research groups thereby qualifying themselves for senior research positions (especially as university professors within Austria or abroad).
- the doctoral degree must have been completed (award of certificate) no less than two years and no longer than eight years before the deadline for submission of applications. Extensions to this period may be allowed in case of eligible career breaks (see guidelines).
- excellent research proposal and exceptional international track record
- scholarly/scientific independence must be proven, applicants should already have acquired competitive third-party funds independently since earning their doctorate
- in addition it is desirable that candidates have completed a research stay abroad of at least one year
6 years, an interim review after 3 years decides on continuation
Minimum 800.000 € up to maximum 1.2 Mio. €
Via the FWF’s electronic application portal (elane)
- Start: July
- End: 20th September
about 5-6 grants
Please note that the FWF is currently working on a redesign and enhancement of the START programme and thus is planning – depending on the development of the FWF’s budget – to launch future calls in a modified version. Additional information will be provided in a timely manner via the website and the newsletter of the FWF.
Electronic application portal
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