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Discovery of Plastic Particles in Human Testicles: A Threat to Male Fertility

Introduction Scientists have discovered significant concentrations of microplastics in human testicular tissues, raising concerns about …

Motor vehicle mechanic

Reference number
Job title
Motor vehicle mechanic
carclassica CMP GmbH
Company size
Job description
For our small, fine workshop we are looking for a mechanic/mechatronic technician (m/f) with an affinity for classic cars.

We offer an interesting and diversified job, a collegial working environment, extraordinary vehicles & projects as well as a performance-related salary. Experience in the field of classic cars and sports cars from the 50s to 80s would be desirable.

We are looking forward to receiving your detailed application by email.
Type of job offer
Lieu de travail
Hans-Stockmar-Strasse 12a, 24568 Kaltenkirchen, Holstein, Others, Germany

Date de début
3 févr. 2020
number of vacancies
Conditions of the job offer
Requirements for the applicant
Contact details and application
Questions and applications to
carclassica CMP GmbH
Contact person
Mr Mario Wagner
Requested types of application
in writing
by phone
by email
Information about the application
Requested attachments: curriculum vitae, certificates

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Discovery of Plastic Particles in Human Testicles: A Threat to Male Fertility

Introduction Scientists have discovered significant concentrations of microplastics in human testicular tissues, raising concerns about …

One comment

  1. ‌A‌ ‌Mr‌ ‌le‌ ‌directeur‌ ‌général‌ ‌de‌ ‌,‌ ‌

    Je‌ ‌soussignée‌ ‌Mr‌ ‌DIENG‌ ‌SAMBA,‌ ‌domiciliée‌ ‌au‌ ‌Résidence‌ ‌du‌ ‌GOLF‌ ‌immeuble‌ ‌64C‌ ‌
    Appartement‌ ‌numéro‌ ‌11‌ ‌Maroc/Kenitra,‌ ‌sollicite‌ ‌un‌ ‌emploi‌ ‌en‌ ‌Electromécanique‌ ‌au‌ ‌sein‌ ‌
    de‌ ‌votre‌ ‌entreprise.‌ ‌
    Je‌ ‌suis‌ ‌détenteur‌ ‌d’un‌ ‌Diplôme‌ ‌de‌ ‌Technicien‌ ‌Electromécanique.‌ ‌De‌ ‌plus,‌ ‌j’ai‌ ‌bénéficié‌ ‌
    d’une‌ ‌expérience‌ ‌professionnelle‌ ‌‌
    Maroc‌ ‌structure‌ ‌renommée‌ ‌de‌ ‌la‌ ‌place‌ ‌et‌ ‌j’ai‌ ‌pus‌ ‌exercer‌ ‌ce‌ ‌métier‌ ‌comme‌ ‌Electricien,‌ ‌
    mécanicien‌ ‌de‌ ‌moteur‌ ‌et‌ ‌garage.‌ ‌
    Je‌ ‌vous‌ ‌serai‌ ‌très‌ ‌reconnaissante‌ ‌en‌ ‌me‌ ‌donnant‌ ‌l’opportunité‌ ‌de‌ ‌démontrer‌ ‌mes‌ ‌
    connaissances‌ ‌ainsi‌ ‌que‌ ‌mes‌ ‌compétences‌ ‌techniques‌ ‌lors‌ ‌d’un‌ ‌entretien‌ ‌de‌ ‌test.‌ ‌

    Je‌ ‌joins‌ ‌á‌ ‌cette‌ ‌présente‌ ‌toutes‌ ‌les‌ ‌pièces‌ ‌requises.‌ ‌

    Espérant‌ ‌que‌ ‌ma‌ ‌requête‌ ‌sera‌ ‌examinée‌ ‌avec‌ ‌bienveillance‌ ‌et‌ ‌qu’une‌ ‌suite‌ ‌favorable‌ ‌me‌ ‌
    sera‌ ‌accordée,‌ ‌veillez‌ ‌croire‌ ‌Mr‌ ‌le‌ ‌Directeur‌ ‌á‌ ‌l’assurance‌ ‌de‌ ‌mes‌ ‌sentiments‌ ‌dévoués.‌ ‌

    ‌‌L’intéressée‌ :‌ ‌ ‌
    ‌ ‌

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