Research Opportunities Week (ROW) 2023 & TUM Global Postdoc Fellowship in Germany

ROW 2023 | October 9–13, 2023 | Application Deadline: May 14, 2023

The ROW 2023 offers 50 talented international researchers the chance to get to know TUM and its research environment. The program includes visits at research facilities at TUM, matchmaking with TUM professors and information sessions on postdoc funding opportunities in Germany.

Travel expenses and accommodation are covered.

For details on the application process and requirements, please check our website.

To stay updated, follow us on Twitter (@tumpostdoc), Linkedin and our Newsletter.

The TUM Global Postdoc Fellowship

After the ROW, a call will be opened for the prestigious TUM Global Postdoc Fellowship – the TUM Talent Factory will support all fellows to apply for subsequent national and international funding and offers a diverse program for personal career development.


Applicants must submit their application for admission via our online-application portal until May 14, 2023, 23:59 pm (CET). Information about the required documents and the portal link can be found on our ROW website.

Researchers are eligible to apply for the Research Opportunities Week if they are:

  • applying from a foreign institution and are living (i. e. have their residential address) in a country other than Germany at the time of the application. People with German citizenship must have their official place of residence outside of Germany at the time of the application. Applicants who completed their PhD or who are currently employed at TUM are not eligible to apply.
  • PhD students in their final year or postdocs who obtained their PhD no longer than 3 years ago (i.e., October 2020 or later).

For further questions, feel free to contact us at

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