Six new positions in Computer Science at the School of Engineering – Jönköping, Sweden

Jönköping University (JU) has about 12,000 students, 350 international partner universities and 800 partner companies. JU is characterized by an emphasis on internationalisation, an entrepreneurial spirit, and deep collaborations with surrounding society.

The Jönköping AI Lab (JAIL) at the JU School of Engineering focuses on applied data-driven AI via machine learning and semantic technologies. To ensure a group with great relevance, a significant part of our research and education is carried out in collaboration with the industry. JAIL is building a multidisciplinary team with members from several relevant disciplines, including machine learning, deep learning, NLP, explainable AI and visualization, ontologies and linked data, embedded AI and IoT, etc. Our goal is to build a bold, curious, and attractive academic centre for AI excellence in Sweden.

We are the largest research group in Computer Science at Jönköping University, and on a strong growth trajectory. We are now ready to take the next step and are looking to employ up to six new staff members, including one full professor, two associate or assistant professors, and three doctoral students.

Do you want to join us? We’re looking for passionate, independent, creative, and curious individuals who want to develop excellent research and education. We offer opportunities to influence and expand the research and education portfolios of a fast-growing and prioritized group, characterized by close collaboration, an international environment, and an ambition for excellence in everything we do.

For more information on each advertised role and how to apply, see the following links:

For more information about JAIL and the Department of Computing of which it is part, click here.

First day of employment According to agreement

Salary Monthly salary

Number of positions 6

City Jönköping

County Jönköpings län

Country Sweden


  • Karl Hammar, +46 36-10 1611

Union representative

  • Mikael Palmgren, Saco-S, +46 36-10 1647
  • Thomas Axelsson, ST, +46 36-10 1076

Published 10.Jan.2022

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