SPHeRE (Structured Population & Health Services Research Education)

Apply to the SPHeRE Programme 2020-2021

The SPHeRE Programme is now accepting applications for the 2020/2021 academic year from;

  1. Individual applicants who wish to apply directly to the SPHeRE Programme for a HRB SPHeRE Scholarship or Self-funded applicants
  2. Individual applicants who wish to apply for an alternatively funded scholarship who will enroll in the SPHeRE Programme in 2020 (scholarships are available through the Health Research Board Collaborative Doctoral Awards (CDA’s) in Stroke, Diabetes and Chronic Disease Prevention or through the HRB’s Emerging Leader Award in Breast Cancer Research) 

The SPHeRE PhD Programme in Population Health and Health-services Research (PHHSR) aspires to cultivate world-class researchers through a four-year structured PhD Programme. The SPHeRE Programme can also be undertaken over a longer time period on a part-time, self-funded basis. The Programme is a joint initiative of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, Trinity College Dublin and University College Cork. We welcome applicants with an interest in carrying out research on population health and/or health services in the Irish context and from a wide range of academic and clinical disciplines, including public health, health psychology, health economics, health policy, general practice, biostatistics, health geography and social science among others.

The full-time 4 year structured PhD Programme features:

  • 6 taught modules completed in the first year of the Programme
  • Opportunities for multidisciplinary research
  • Supervision by internationally renowned Principal InvestigatorsIn addition, SPHeRE HRB funded scholars benefit from:
  • 8-week specialist rotation in Irish health related agencies in the first year
  • Placement with a prestigious overseas agency to further PhD project development in the second or third years
  • Professional skills training allowance
  • Travel funds to national training days and international conferences
  • Annual stipend of €18,000 plus laptop computer plus PhD feesThis Programme provides excellent training for scholars in core health services and population health research skills.

    How to apply?

    All applications are submitted online through www.sphereprogramme.ie/apply

    There are two modes of application for entry to the SPHeRE Programme 2020

  • 1. Individual Applicants (HRB SPHeRE Funding or Self-Funding)

Individual applicants are asked to complete an online application form and submit a one-page cover letter and a two-page Curriculum Vitae (including degree grades and contact details for two referees). In your cover letter, please discuss your education, training, and experience (research and/or practice) in population health and health services research (PHHSR) and provide evidence of leadership (in an academic and/or non-academic capacity). Additionally, you may consider indicating how your prior experience or possible PhD topic are policy relevant and potentially address SPHeRE’s twelve Research Priorities (further information available on our website).

Please note that HRB SPHeRE funding is not available for part-time PhDs on the SPHeRE Programme. Self-funded scholars are liable for fees at their host institution and all equipment, data collection & dissemination costs.

Successful non-EU applicants for funded positions will be liable for fees above that for European applicants. Fees vary, but further information on fees can be found on the websites of the individual institutions.

Interviews for SPHeRE Scholarships/Self Funded applicants will take place on the 26th May 2020 in Dublin.

2.Individual Applicants (Alternative Funded Scholarships)

HRB Collaborative Doctoral Award Funded Scholarships

The Irish Health Research Board has funded three Collaborative Doctoral Programmes in different areas of patient-focused research. Each Programme supports a number of different PhD projects as listed below. Trainees on these Programmes participate in SPHeRE doctoral training and in addition will engage in training activities relevant to the focus of their CDP.

If you are interested in applying for one of these projects as part of the Programmes listed below, you will be asked to apply to the project directly through the links provided on the SPHeRE website (www.sphereprogramme.ie/apply). Please note that it is possible to apply for more than one project.

i)HRB Collaborative Doctoral Award: iPASTAR

Improving Pathways for Acute Stroke And Rehabilitation

PhD Project 1: Maximising accessibility and equity of acute stroke care pathways in Irelan (registering in RCSI)

PhD Project 2: Beyond Early Supported Discharge (ESD): Improving and supporting transitions of care for stroke (registering in RCSI)

PhD Project 3: Staying well and reducing risk after stroke (registering UCD)

PhD Project 4: Cost and Cost-effectiveness of current stroke care pathways and the developed interventions (registering in RCSI)

Further information on this project is available on www.sphereprogramme.ie/apply

ii) HRB Collaborative Doctoral Award: Collaborative Doctoral Award in Chronic Disease Prevention (CDA-CDP)

PhD Project 1: Implementing diabetes prevention interventions to improve patient engagement and promote scale-up (registering in UCC)

PhD project 2: Optimising digitally delivered cardiac rehabilitation for standardised, scalable delivery using a novel approach from behavioural science, the Multiphase Optimization Strategy (MOST): A Pilot Optimsation Trial (registering in NUI Galway)

Project 3: Development of a prevention program to address needs of women with previous gestational diabetes (registering in UCD)

PhD project 4: Stroke prevention (registering in UCC)

PhD project 5: Feasibility of ‘OurAction’, a structured peer-support adjunct to Irish cardiovascular disease prevention programmes (registering in NUI Galway)

Interviews for shortlisted applicants to the CDA-CDP will take place on Wed 10th June 2020 in Galway.

Further information on this project is available on www.sphereprogramme.ie/apply

iii) HRB Collaborative Doctoral Award: Diabetic Foot Disease: from PRevention to treatment to IMproved patient Outcomes (DFD PRIMO)

PhD project 1: Combined diabetic foot and retinal screening: a novel approach to early detection of complications (registering in NUI Galway)

PhD Project 2: Implementing the HSE Model of Care for the Diabetic Foot among community nursing (registering in NUIG Galway)

PhD Project 3: Developing Health Professionals Health Literacy competencies to support self-management of DFD (registering in NUI Galway)

PhD Project 4: Addressing wound healing through psychological intervention with patients (registering in NUI Galway)

Further information on this project is available on www.sphereprogramme.ie/apply

iv) HRB EMeRGe Breast Cancer Project

PhD Project: Investigating the Role of Mammographic Breast Density in Breast Cancer (registering in RCSI)

Further information on this project is available on www.sphereprogramme.ie/apply

Application Process

Further details on all of the above projects is available on the SPHeRE website together with the application process www.sphereprogramme.ie/apply

Please contact sphere@rcsi.ie if you have any queries on the SPHeRE Programme

Please note that it is possible to apply for more than one project

The deadline for applications is Sunday 19th April 2020. Incomplete applications or late applications will not be considered.

The operation of the SPHeRE Programme is subject to funding by the HRB.

Author: jeunes

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