Deadlines: Biannually on April 1 and October 1

These grants support artists (individuals, collaborations, or collectives) to develop their practice. This program is specially directed to those inventing new forms of creating and sharing arts knowledge with others, and for those aiming to question the current arts making paradigm; therefore we encourage eccentric and critical proposals challenging traditional arts genres and discourses. Among other activities, the grants can be used to pursue threads of research, stage an event, make new work, publish, travel, take part in a residency or workshop, organize meetings and gatherings, or present an exhibition or performance. The grants can cover part or all of the proposed activity or project. Between fifteen and thirty grants are awarded each calendar year depending on the available budget, with a maximum amount of US$5,000 per grant.


In addition to complying with the general eligibility criteria that you can read here, please note the following:

  • The proposal must be achievable and completed within twelve months of the grant submission deadline;
  • Production and post-production for feature films are not eligible;
  • Applications to attend degree-based study programs (such as MAs or PhDs) are out of the grant program’s scope and will not be considered;
  • Aiming for balanced professional relationships, Mophradat does not support applications to cover the costs and fees of artists invited to run a workshop, administer, or curate projects in Europe or North America that fall under categories of (temporary) employment in those contexts, and should be covered by those hosts’ institutional budgets.


  • Grant recipients are evaluated and selected by an external advisory committee once the application is confirmed to be fulfilling the program’s general and specific eligibility criteria. The advisors’ names are published after grant recipients are announced.
  • All applicants, whether selected or not, receive a response to their applications one month after the application deadline. If selected, a grant agreement will be signed between the recipient and Mophradat.
  • Funds will be released in a two-stage process: 80 percent when the grant agreement is signed and the remaining 20 percent on project completion.
  • A narrative summary of what was achieved, and a financial report must be submitted before the end date of the grant agreement and before the last instalment is paid.

*Please note that due to the high volume of applications and the confidentiality of the selection process, Mophradat does not provide individual feedback explaining the reason an application was not selected.

**By applying for a grant, you agree that if you are selected you will endeavour to realize your project. If the project is not realized to an appropriate level of completion within the timeline agreed upon, you may be asked to partially or fully reimburse Mophradat.


You can apply by filling in an online form here. (Please note that you can’t save your application online; we recommend you to work offline and paste your answers into the form.) Once you will have submitted your online form, you will receive an automatic email confirming its reception.

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