Collaborative Research Grants for teams of post docs offered at the Ecology of Animal Societies Department, University of Konstanz / Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior

Applications due 15 January 2020.

The Department for the Ecology of Animal Societies at the University of Konstanz / Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior is seeking applications for our new Collaborative Research Grant Program for postdoctoral researchers. These grants are intended to fund collaborative research projects addressing broad questions related to how animal societies emerge and function. Grants support integrated research teams of 2-3 postdocs to tackle broad and important biological questions by drawing on diverse perspectives and skill sets. Grants cover salary for all team members (employment at the University of Konstanz, German salary scale TV-L, level E 13) over 3 years, with a possibility of extension for an additional year, as well as funding to cover research expenses and professional development activities.

Proposed projects should relate to the broad focus of the newly-formed Ecology of Animal Societies Department. All post docs will be expected to participate actively in the development of this new scientific community, and to contribute to a collaborative and friendly research environment. Projects can be field-based, data-driven, and/or theoretical; projects that combine two or more of these approaches are encouraged. For more information on the Ecology of Animal Societies Department, please visit

Researchers of all nationalities and scientific backgrounds are eligible. Women and underrepresented minorities are especially encouraged to apply. In addition, projects that incorporate field work in one or more team members’ home countries and/or help build local capacity in developing countries are specifically encouraged.

Interested in finding collaborators? View our online directory!

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