The LBJ Foundation awards a limited number of grants for research at the LBJ Library, which are underwritten by The Moody Foundation of Galveston, Texas.  Grants may be used for research for dissertations, theses, senior papers, publications and other projects.

Grants range from $600 to $3,000.  Funds are awarded for the sole purpose of helping to defray living, travel and related expenses incurred while conducting research at the LBJ Library during the grant period.

Fall Term:  June 1 – December 31. Application deadline is March 15
Spring Term:  January 1 – August 31. Application deadline is September 15

How to Apply

Grant awards include funding for travel (airfare or mileage) and a $180 per diem for days spent conducting research at the LBJ Library, weekend days for research visits longer than one week, and one travel day.  Applications must include an estimated cost of travel (airfare or mileage), the number of days required for research at the LBJ Library, and the total number of days for research and travel.  Airfare should be based on the most economical fare available.  Applications should not include funds for car rental or secretarial/research assistance.  The amount awarded cannot be increased after the recipient receives the notification of the grant, and grants are not awarded retroactively for research already completed.

Prior to submitting a grant proposal, applicants must contact the LBJ Library’s Archives department (at +1 512-721-0212 or to obtain information about materials available at the library on the proposed research topic.  The Reading Room is open for research Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., and is closed on federal holidays.

Applications are reviewed by a special faculty committee appointed by the President of The University of Texas at Austin at the request of the LBJ Library.  Applicants should state clearly and precisely how the archival holdings of the LBJ Library will contribute to the completion of the proposed project.  Competition for Moody Research Grants has been strong in recent years; general and vague proposals or those written in haste will not be competitive.  An application form is required (see links below).

In accepting a Moody Research Grant, an applicant must agree to the following conditions:

  • The product of the research made possible by the grant will not be used for any political purpose.
  • The funds are for the sole purpose of helping to defray expenses incurred while conducting research at the LBJ Library.
  • The grant must be used during the period for which it is awarded.
  • The recipient will provide promptly to the LBJ Foundation a copy of any publication, paper, article, or book resulting from research made possible by the grant.

What you will need to submit your application online:

  • Background and contact information
  • Resume or Curriculum Vitae (one page only)
  • Research proposal:  a maximum of 4 double-spaced, typewritten pages that include (1) title of the project; (2) brief description of the project, including scope, objective of research, methodology, and possible conclusions or results; and (3) relation of the LBJ Library holdings to your research.
  • List of references and their contact information
  • If you have been published, a list of up to 5 of your publications with complete citations

If you are unable or do not wish to complete the application online, please contact Samantha Stone, deputy director, at or (512) 721-0263.

We are now accepting new applications from January 1 until March 15.

Application Form

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