Gerald D. Feldman Travel Grants

Once a year, supported by the Peters Beer Foundation as well as the Marga und Kurt Möllgaard Foundation, both part of the Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft (Donors’ Association for the Promotion of Humanities and Sciences in Germany), the Max Weber Foundation (MWS) confers Gerald D. Feldman Travel Grants to young academics with an international focus.

The travel grants are meant to improve the career opportunities for humanities and social science academics in their qualification phase. The scientists conduct a self-chosen research project in at least two and at most three host countries which are home to MWS institutes and branches or at the Richard Koebner Minerva Center for German History (for a list of the host countries please see “Countries and regions”). The total term of funding shall not exceed three months. Placements (at most one month per host country, shorter stays are possible) are to be used for research, especially in libraries and archives. Academics are expected to produce transnational and transregional studies, providing research with new and original ideas. The research placements should ideally be completed within 12 months, or at most 24.


Funding is based on the rates of Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and covers:

  • documented travel costs for travel to the foreign institute and back (least expensive route);
  • daily rates between € 27.00 and € 62.00 depending on the host country;
  • lodging in one of the institute’s inexpensive guest rooms depending on the host country chosen and on availability.

Countries and regions

China, Czech Republic, Egypt, France, Germany, Great Britain, India, Israel, Italy, Japan, Lebanon, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, Senegal, Singapore, Turkey, USA

Applications for the country of the applicant’s main place of residence will not be considered.

Research placements in Germany are only eligible for funding if the recipient plans at least two more stays at the foreign institutes or the Richard Koebner Minerva Center for German History.

Conditions for application

Applications may be filed by highly qualified humanities and social science academics of any nationality (highest degree must be at least a Master, M.A., state examination or German Diplom) who have already published and can present a research plan. Applications for projects related to research priorities pursued by the Foundation’s institutes/branches will take precedence.

A re-application is only possible if this has been explicitly stated in the rejection letter.

Application papers

All application papers must be submitted in German or English. A complete application will comprise the following information:

  • completed application form;
  • a detailed presentation (max. 3-5 pages) of the intended research project, stating the sources which justify the stay in the specific host countries or at the institutes;
  • copies of certificates (examinations, PhD certificate);
  • list of publications;
  • a reference opinion from an expert which should provide information on the applicant’s status and the progress of work and be sent directly to the Max Weber Foundation’s central office;
  • a letter confirming supervision by the host institution in Germany, if applicable.

Selection criteria

  • Academic excellence
  • Transnational topic
  • Submitted project contributes to further academic qualification

The next deadline for applications is 4 October 2019.

Please e-mail your application to  feldman(at) using the required form (see: “Further information”).

Information on how to send your application data to us in encrypted form can be found here:

Information can be obtained from Hanna Pletziger by e-mail at feldman(at) or by phone on +49 (228) 377 86-38.

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