OPEC Fund Grants for International Development

Application for Grants


Those eligible are international, national, regional and non-governmental organizations that supply proof of their financial and legal status. Please be advised that individuals, private entities and OFID Member States* are not eligible to apply for assistance.
*Algeria, Ecuador, Gabon, Indonesia, Iraq, Islamic Republic of Iran, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Venezuela

How to apply

Please note: Only fully completed forms will be reviewed and considered


Frequently asked questions

Below is a list of frequently-asked questions (FAQs) relating to our grant funding guidelines. We ask that all applicants review the FAQs before submitting a grant application.

How should our organization apply for a grant?

A: Applicants must complete a grant application form and include their organization’s registration certificate. The application can be submitted either electronically via

Email: grants@ofid.org  or by fax.

(scroll down to download application form)

Q: Will we be notified if our application is rejected?

A. While OFID automatically acknowledges receipt of all grant applications, only organizations whose applications are being considered will be contacted.

Q: When the electronic application is submitted, should a hard copy be sent as well?

A: No, please do not send a hard copy.

Q: Who is eligible to apply for a grant?

A: Those eligible are international, national, regional and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that supply proof of their financial and legal status. Please be advised that individuals, private entities and OFID Member States are not eligible to apply for assistance.

 Q: Is there an application deadline?

A: There is no set application deadline. Some of the smaller grants in support of research and intellectual pursuits are approved on an ad hoc basis. The larger technical assistance grant proposals are presented at OFID’s Governing Board meetings held four times per year.

Q: Do you have any geographic restrictions?

A: As mentioned previously, OFID Member States are not eligible to receive grant assistance. High priority is always given to initiatives that benefit the low-income, least-developed countries. All OFID assistance is earmarked for purposes that contribute to the recipient country’s socio-economic progress.

 Q: If our request is declined, may we reapply?

A: Not if the request falls outside of OFID’s activities, or does not comply with the guidelines as outlined above. On some occasions, however, an application/project is declined because the grant budget has been fully committed at that time. In such a case, an application may be submitted at a later date. Please keep in mind, however, that while OFID does its best to distribute its resources fairly and equitably, it cannot respond favorably to each and every grant request it receives.

 Q: What proposals are not eligible?

A: As mentioned above, proposals submitted by individuals, private entities and OFID Member States are ineligible. In addition, OFID does not support the purchase of luxury goods or armaments, and any items that are ethically objectionable.


Grant Application Grant Application 118.00 KB Download

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